Mazzini was disappointed in the new Italy, but this disappointment did not dull his ideological commitment to universal progress. In this 1870 letter to Emilie Venturi, the English wife of an Italian nationalist, Mazzini voiced his unqualified support for Venturi’s efforts to advance the cause of women’s rights. Not content to merely confirm his agreement with Venturi, Mazzini placed women’s rights in the larger context of the struggle for universal human rights. As you read the letter, think about Mazzini’s argument. Why did he support women’s rights? What light does his position on women’s rights shed on his understanding of the meaning and importance of Italian nationalism?
My Dear Friend,
Can you doubt me? Can you doubt my watching from afar with an eager eye and a blessing soul the efforts of brave and earnest British women struggling for the extension of the Suffrage to their sex, or for the repeal of the Contagious Diseases Act, which is only an incident in the general question — Equality between Man and Woman — sacred for any sensible, logical, and fearless man who fights for any question involving Equality, to whatever class or section of mankind it applies? Could I ever feel safe in my right and duty to struggle for Equality between the working-
Are not all questions of Equality groundless — a mere selfish rebellion — unless they derive their legitimacy from a single, general, all-
These words, they say, apply to heaven. Don’t they know that what is decreed in heaven must and will have to be fulfilled on earth?
Yes, we are all the children of God, free and equal in Him, and it is high time, after eighteen hundred and seventy years since the word was spoken, and whilst new religious truths are already dawning on the horizon, for its being practically understood and applied in its direct consequences to human life and society.
One God, one Life, one Law of Life: this is, or ought to be, our common belief; and wherever the stamp of Humanity is on a created being, there we find Freewill, Educability, tendency to Association, capability of indefinite progression, a source of the same general principle to legislation in all branches of human activity.
No question ought to be solved without our asking ourselves: How far does the proposed solution minister to Moral Education? And is not the feeling of self-
In these simple, and to me obvious, principles, lies the justice of your claim concerning either the Suffrage or the minor point about which you are now agitating.
And in these, if you do not forsake or neglect them, you will conquer. Your cause is a religious one; don’t narrow it down to what is called a right or an interest. Let duty be your ground. Children of God as we are, you have a task to perform towards the progressive discovery and the progressive fulfillment of His Law. You cannot abdicate that task without sinning to God who appointed it, and gave you faculties and powers for its accomplishment; and you cannot fulfil the task without liberty, which is the source of responsibility. Your claim is the claim of the working-
There is a holy crusade going on through the world for Justice, Freedom, and Truth, against Lies and Tyranny. You are — battalion-
Source: Alice de Rozen Jervis, trans., Manzzini’s Letters (London: J.M. Dent & Sons, 1930), pp. 201–
Questions to Consider