Quiz for Listening to the Past: Resolution of the General Syrian Congress at Damascus

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Correct: The answer is a. The delegates began by suggesting that their resolution reflected the views of Muslims, Christians, and Jews living in Syria, and then went on to include a specific statement about the protection of minority rights in their description of the proposed Syrian government.
Incorrect: The answer is a. The delegates began by suggesting that their resolution reflected the views of Muslims, Christians, and Jews living in Syria, and then went on to include a specific statement about the protection of minority rights in their description of the proposed Syrian government.
1. Which of these best characterizes the approach of the delegates to the issue of minority rights within the proposed state of Syria?


Correct: The answer is d. The proposed Syrian government was to be a “democratic civil constitutional Monarchy on broad decentralization principles” with Emir Faisal serving as Syria’s first king.
Incorrect: The answer is d. The proposed Syrian government was to be a “democratic civil constitutional Monarchy on broad decentralization principles” with Emir Faisal serving as Syria’s first king.
2. What kind of government did the delegates hope to form in Syria?


Correct: The answer is b. The delegates rejected the notion that Syria was in the “middle stage” of national development and, therefore, in need of supervision by an outside power. In this context, they compared Syria’s development to that of Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece, and Romania at the time those states gained independence.
Incorrect: The answer is b. The delegates rejected the notion that Syria was in the “middle stage” of national development and, therefore, in need of supervision by an outside power. In this context, they compared Syria’s development to that of Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece, and Romania at the time those states gained independence.
3. On what basis did the delegates reject the inclusion of Syria among the regions placed under the League of Nations mandate system?


Correct: The answer is c. The delegates saw the United States as a particularly appropriate nation to offer technical and economic assistance to Syria for two reasons. First, President Wilson was a champion of self-determination. Second, the delegates did not believe the United States had any interest in asserting political control in Syria.
Incorrect: The answer is c. The delegates saw the United States as a particularly appropriate nation to offer technical and economic assistance to Syria for two reasons. First, President Wilson was a champion of self-determination. Second, the delegates did not believe the United States had any interest in asserting political control in Syria.
4. Which of these nations did the delegates look to for help in gaining independence?


Correct: The answer is c. The delegates rejected both the creation of a Jewish commonwealth and “Zionist migration” into Syria.
Incorrect: The answer is c. The delegates rejected both the creation of a Jewish commonwealth and “Zionist migration” into Syria.
5. What was the delegates’ attitude toward the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine?