Christianity and European Politics
1. 325
-------- Life of Saint Jerome Nicene Creed produced Life of Saint Augustine Treaty of Verdun divides Carolingian kingdom Reign of Clovis Reign of Justinian Writing of The Rule of Saint Benedict Iconoclastic controversy Reign of Charlemagne Theodosius makes Christianity official religion of Roman Empire
2. 340– 419
-------- Nicene Creed produced Reign of Charlemagne Writing of The Rule of Saint Benedict Reign of Clovis Life of Saint Augustine Theodosius makes Christianity official religion of Roman Empire Life of Saint Jerome Reign of Justinian Iconoclastic controversy Treaty of Verdun divides Carolingian kingdom
3. 354– 430
-------- Treaty of Verdun divides Carolingian kingdom Iconoclastic controversy Life of Saint Augustine Reign of Justinian Reign of Clovis Writing of The Rule of Saint Benedict Theodosius makes Christianity official religion of Roman Empire Reign of Charlemagne Life of Saint Jerome Nicene Creed produced
4. 380
-------- Writing of The Rule of Saint Benedict Nicene Creed produced Iconoclastic controversy Life of Saint Augustine Treaty of Verdun divides Carolingian kingdom Reign of Clovis Reign of Justinian Theodosius makes Christianity official religion of Roman Empire Reign of Charlemagne Life of Saint Jerome
5. ca. 481– 511
-------- Iconoclastic controversy Life of Saint Jerome Reign of Justinian Theodosius makes Christianity official religion of Roman Empire Reign of Clovis Treaty of Verdun divides Carolingian kingdom Writing of The Rule of Saint Benedict Life of Saint Augustine Reign of Charlemagne Nicene Creed produced
6. 527– 565
-------- Reign of Justinian Treaty of Verdun divides Carolingian kingdom Life of Saint Jerome Writing of The Rule of Saint Benedict Theodosius makes Christianity official religion of Roman Empire Nicene Creed produced Reign of Clovis Iconoclastic controversy Reign of Charlemagne Life of Saint Augustine
7. 529
-------- Reign of Clovis Treaty of Verdun divides Carolingian kingdom Life of Saint Augustine Theodosius makes Christianity official religion of Roman Empire Nicene Creed produced Reign of Justinian Writing of The Rule of Saint Benedict Iconoclastic controversy Life of Saint Jerome Reign of Charlemagne
8. 730– 843
-------- Life of Saint Augustine Nicene Creed produced Iconoclastic controversy Life of Saint Jerome Reign of Justinian Reign of Clovis Treaty of Verdun divides Carolingian kingdom Writing of The Rule of Saint Benedict Theodosius makes Christianity official religion of Roman Empire Reign of Charlemagne
9. 768– 814
-------- Treaty of Verdun divides Carolingian kingdom Life of Saint Jerome Iconoclastic controversy Theodosius makes Christianity official religion of Roman Empire Reign of Clovis Reign of Justinian Writing of The Rule of Saint Benedict Nicene Creed produced Reign of Charlemagne Life of Saint Augustine
10. 843
-------- Reign of Charlemagne Theodosius makes Christianity official religion of Roman Empire Life of Saint Jerome Reign of Justinian Life of Saint Augustine Nicene Creed produced Reign of Clovis Writing of The Rule of Saint Benedict Iconoclastic controversy Treaty of Verdun divides Carolingian kingdom