Enlightenment CultureAn actor performs the first reading of a new play by Voltaire at the salon of Madame Geoffrin in this painting from 1755. Voltaire, then in exile, is represented by a bust statue. (Painting by Gabriel Lemonnier [1743–1824], oil on canvas/De Agonstini Picture Library/Gianni Dagli Orti/The Bridgeman Art Library)> PICTURING THE PASTANALYZING THE IMAGE: Which of these people do you think is the hostess, Madame Geoffrin, and why? Using details from the painting to support your answer, how would you describe the status of the people shown?CONNECTIONS: What does this image suggest about the reach of Enlightenment ideas to common people? To women? Does the painting of the bookstore in the section “How did economic and social change and the rise of Atlantic trade interact with Enlightenment ideas?” suggest a broader reach? Why?