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Introduction for Chapter 1
Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 1
How did humans evolve, and where did they migrate?
Understanding the Early Human Past
Hominid Evolution
Homo Sapiens, “Thinking Humansâ€
Migration and Differentiation
What were the key features of Paleolithic society?
Foraging for Food
Family and Kinship Relationships
Cultural Creations and Spirituality
How did plant and animal domestication develop, and what effects did it have on human society?
The Development of Horticulture
Animal Domestication and the Rise of Pastoralism
Plow Agriculture
How did growing social and gender hierarchies and expanding networks of trade increase the complexity of human society in the Neolithic period?
Social Hierarchies and Slavery
Gender Hierarchies and Inheritance
Trade and Cross-Cultural Connections
Individuals in Society: The Iceman
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Introduction for Chapter 2
Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 2
How does writing shape what we can know about the past, and how did writing develop to meet the needs of cities and states?
Written Sources and the Human Past
Cities and the Idea of Civilization
The Rise of States, Laws, and Social Hierarchies
How did the peoples of Mesopotamia form states and develop new technologies and institutions?
Environmental Challenges, Irrigation, and Religion
Sumerian Politics and Society
Writing, Mathematics, and Poetry
Empires in Mesopotamia
Life Under Hammurabi
How did the Egyptians create a prosperous and long-lasting society?
The Nile and the God-King
Egyptian Society and Work
Migrations, Revivals, and Collapse
Individuals in Society: Hatshepsut and Nefertiti
The Emergence of New States
How did the Hebrews create an enduring written religious tradition?
The Hebrew State
The Jewish Religion
Hebrew Society
How did the Assyrians and the Persians consolidate their power and control the subjects of their empires?
Assyria, the Military Monarchy
The Rise and Expansion of the Persian Empire
The Religion of Zoroaster
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Introduction for Chapter 3
Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 3
What does archaeology tell us about the Harappan civilization in India?
What kind of society and culture did the Indo-European Aryans create?
Aryan Dominance in North India
Life in Early India
What ideas were taught by the founders of Jainism, Buddhism, and Hinduism?
Siddhartha Gautama and Buddhism
Individuals in Society: Sudatta, Lay Follower of the Buddha
What was the result of Indian contact with the Persians and Greeks, and what were the consequences of unification under the Mauryan Empire?
Encounters with the West
Chandragupta and the Founding of the Mauryan Empire
The Reign of Ashoka, ca. 269–232 B.C.E.
How was India shaped by political disunity and contacts with other cultures during the five centuries from 185 B.C.E. to 300 C.E.?
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Introduction for Chapter 4
Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 4
What was the impact of China’s geography on the development of Chinese societies?
The Impact of Geography
Early Agricultural Societies of the Neolithic Age
What was life like during the Shang Dynasty, and what effect did writing have on Chinese culture and government?
Shang Society
Bronze Metalworking
The Development of Writing
How was China governed, and what was life like during the Zhou Dynasty?
Zhou Politics
Life During the Zhou Dynasty
Individuals in Society: Lord Mengchang
How did advances in military technology contribute to the rise of independent states?
New Technologies for War
The Victorious States
What ideas did Confucius teach, and how were they spread after his death?
The Spread of Confucian Ideas
How did the teachings of Daoism, Legalism, and other schools of thought differ from Confucianism?
Yin and Yang
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Introduction for Chapter 5
Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 5
How did the geography of Greece shape its earliest history?
The Minoans and Mycenaeans
The “Dark Ageâ€
What was the role of the polis in Greek society?
Organization of the Polis
Overseas Expansion
The Growth of Sparta
The Evolution of Athens
In the classical period, how did war influence Greece, and how did the arts, religion, and philosophy develop?
The Deadly Conflicts, 499–404 B.C.E.
Athenian Arts in the Age of Pericles
Families and Sexual Relations
Public and Personal Religion
The Flowering of Philosophy
How did Alexander the Great’s conquests shape society in the Hellenistic period?
From Polis to Monarchy, 404–200 B.C.E.
Building a Hellenized Society
The Growth of Trade and Commerce
How did religion, philosophy, and science develop in the Hellenistic world?
Religion in the Hellenistic World
Philosophy and Its Guidance for Life
Hellenistic Science and Medicine
Individuals in Society: Archimedes, Scientist and Inventor
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Introduction for Chapter 6
Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 6
How did the Romans come to dominate Italy, and what political institutions did they create?
The Etruscans
The Founding of Rome
The Roman Conquest of Italy
The Roman State
Social Conflict in Rome
How did Rome expand its power beyond Italy, and what were the effects of this expansion?
Overseas Conquests and the Punic Wars, 264–133 B.C.E.
New Influences and Old Values in Roman Culture
The Late Republic and the Rise of Augustus, 133–27 B.C.E.
Individuals in Society: Queen Cleopatra
The Successes of Augustus
What was life like in Rome, and what was it like in the provinces?
Political and Military Changes in the Empire
Life in Imperial Rome
Prosperity in the Roman Provinces
Eastward Expansion and Contacts Between Rome and China
What was Christianity, and how did it affect life in the Roman Empire?
Factors Behind the Rise of Christianity
The Life and Teachings of Jesus
The Spread of Christianity
The Growing Acceptance and Evolution of Christianity
How did the emperors respond to political, economic, and religious issues in the third and fourth centuries?
Political Measures
Economic Issues
The Acceptance of Christianity
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Introduction for Chapter 7
Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 7
What were the social, cultural, and political consequences of the unification of China under the strong centralized governments of the Qin and Han empires?
The Qin Unification, 221–206 B.C.E.
The Han Dynasty, 206 B.C.E.–220 C.E.
Han Intellectual and Cultural Life
Individuals in Society: The Ban Family
Inner Asia and the Silk Road
Life in Han China
China and Rome
The Fall of the Han and the Age of Division
How did Buddhism find its way into East Asia, and what was its appeal and impact?
Buddhism’s Path Through Central Asia
The Appeal and Impact of Buddhism in China
What were the lasting accomplishments of the Sui and Tang Dynasties?
The Sui Dynasty, 581–618
The Tang Dynasty, 618–907
Tang Culture
What elements of Chinese culture were adopted by Koreans, Vietnamese, and Japanese, and how did they adapt them to their own circumstances?
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Introduction for Chapter 8
Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 8
How did the Byzantine Empire preserve the legacy of Rome?
Sources of Byzantine Strength
The Sassanid Empire and Conflicts with Byzantium
Justinian’s Code of Law
Byzantine Intellectual Life
Individuals in Society: Theodora of Constantinople
Life in Constantinople
How did the Christian Church become a major force in Europe?
The Evolution of Church Leadership and Orthodoxy
The Western Church and the Eastern Church
Christian Monasticism
How did Christian thinkers adapt classical ideas to Christian teachings, and what new religious concepts and practices did they develop?
Christianity and Classical Culture
Saint Augustine on Sin, Grace, and Redemption
The Iconoclastic Controversy
How did the barbarians shape social, economic, and political structures in Europe and western Asia?
Social and Economic Structures
Tribes, Warriors, and Laws
Migrations and Political Change
How did the church convert barbarian peoples to Christianity?
Missionaries’ Actions
The Process of Conversion
How did the Franks build and govern a European empire?
The Merovingians and Carolingians
The Warrior-Ruler Charlemagne
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Introduction for Chapter 9
Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 9
From what kind of social and economic environment did Muhammad arise, and what did he teach?
Arabian Social and Economic Structure
Muhammad’s Rise as a Religious Leader
The Tenets of Islam
What made possible the spread of Islam, and what forms of government were established to rule Muslim lands?
Islam’s Spread Beyond Arabia
Reasons for the Spread of Islam
The Caliphate and the Split Between Shi’a and Sunni Alliances
The Abbasid Caliphate
Administration of the Islamic Territories
How were the Muslim lands governed from 900 to 1400, and what new challenges did rulers face?
Breakaway Territories and Shi’a Gains
The Ascendancy of the Turks
The Mongol Invasions
What social distinctions were important in Muslim society?
The Social Hierarchy
Women in Classical Islamic Society
Marriage, the Family, and Sexuality
Why did trade thrive in Muslim lands?
What new ideas and practices emerged in the arts, sciences, education, and religion?
Individuals in Society: Ibn Battuta
The Cultural Centers of Baghdad and Córdoba
Education and Intellectual Life
The Mystical Tradition of Sufism
How did Muslims and Christians come into contact with each other, and how did they view each other?
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Introduction for Chapter 10
Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 10
How did Africa’s geography shape its history and contribute to its diverse population?
How did agriculture affect life among the early societies in the western Sudan and among the Bantu-speaking societies of central and southern Africa?
Agriculture and Its Impact
Bantu Migrations
Life in the Kingdoms of the Western Sudan, ca. 1000 B.C.E.–800 C.E.
What characterized trans-Saharan trade, and how did it affect West African society?
The Berbers of North Africa
Effects of Trade on West African Society
The Spread of Islam in Africa
How were the East African city-states, Aksum, and Great Zimbabwe different from and similar to the kingdoms of the western Sudan?
The Kingdom of Ghana, ca. 900–1100
The Kingdom of Mali, ca. 1200–1450
Ethiopia: The Christian Kingdom of Aksum
Individuals in Society: Amda Siyon
The East African City-States
Southern Africa and Great Zimbabwe
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Introduction for Chapter 11
Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 11
How did ancient peoples of the Americas adapt to, and adapt, their environment?
Trade and Technology
Settlement and Environment
What patterns established by early societies shaped civilization in Mesoamerica and the Andes?
Olmec Agriculture, Technology, and Religion
Hohokam, Hopewell, and Mississippian Societies
Kinship and Ancestors in the Andes
What were the sources of strength and prosperity, and of problems, for the Incas?
The Inca Model of Empire
Inca Imperial Expansion
Imperial Needs and Obligations
How did the Maya and Teotihuacan develop prosperous and stable societies in the classical era?
Maya Agriculture and Trade
Maya Science and Religion
Teotihuacan and the Toltecs
How did the Aztecs build on the achievements of earlier Mesoamerican cultures and develop new traditions to create their large empire?
The Mexica: From Vassals to Masters
Individuals in Society: Tlacaelel
Life in the Aztec Empire
The Limits of the Aztec Empire
What did the European encounter mean for peoples of the major American empires?
The Fall of the Aztecs
The Fall of the Incas
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Introduction for Chapter 12
Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 12
What aspects of nomadic life gave the nomads of Central Asia military advantages over nearby settled civilizations?
Nomadic Society
The Turks
The Mongols
How did Chinggis Khan and his successors conquer much of Eurasia, and how did the Mongol conquests change the regions affected?
Chinggis Khan
Chinggis’s Successors
The Mongols as Rulers
How did the Mongol conquests facilitate the spread of ideas, religions, inventions, and diseases?
The Movement of Peoples
The Spread of Disease, Goods, and Ideas
What was the result of India’s encounters with Turks, Mongols, and Islam?
The Gupta Empire, ca. 320–480
India’s Medieval Age and the First Encounter with Islam
Individuals in Society: Bhaskara the Teacher
The Delhi Sultanate
Life in Medieval India
How did states develop along the maritime trade routes of Southeast Asia and beyond?
State Formation and Indian Influences
The Srivijayan Maritime Trade Empire
The Spread of Indian Culture in Comparative Perspective
The Settlement of the Pacific Islands
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Introduction for Chapter 13
Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 13
What made possible the expansion of the Chinese economy, and what were the outcomes of this economic growth?
How did the civil service examinations and the scholar-official class shape Chinese society and culture, and what impact did the Mongol conquest have on them?
The Song Dynasty
The Scholar-Officials and Neo-Confucianism
Individuals in Society: Shen Gua
Women’s Lives in Song Times
China Under Mongol Rule
How did Korean society and culture develop in an age when its northern neighbors were Khitans, Jurchens, and Mongols?
How did the Heian form of government contribute to the cultural flowering of Japan in the period?
Fujiwara Rule
Aristocratic Culture
What were the causes and consequences of military rule in Japan?
Military Rule
Cultural Trends
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Introduction for Chapter 14
Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 14
How did medieval rulers restore order and centralize political power?
Invasions and Migrations
“Feudalism†and Manorialism
The Restoration of Order
Law and Justice
How did the Christian Church enhance its power and create new institutions and religious practices?
Papal Reforms
Monastic Life
Individuals in Society: Hildegard of Bingen
Popular Religion
The Expansion of Christianity
What were the causes, course, and consequences of the Crusades?
Background and Motives
The Course of the Crusades
Consequences of the Crusades
How did the lives of common people, nobles, and townspeople differ, and what new commercial developments increased wealth?
The Life and Work of Peasants
The Life and Work of Nobles
Towns, Cities, and the Growth of Commercial Interests
The Expansion of Trade and the Commercial Revolution
What were the primary educational and cultural developments in medieval Europe?
Universities and Scholasticism
Cathedrals and a New Architectural Style
Vernacular Literature and Drama
Why have the later Middle Ages been seen as a time of calamity and crisis?
The Great Famine and the Black Death
The Hundred Years’ War
Challenges to the Church
Peasant and Urban Revolts
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Introduction for Chapter 15
Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 15
What were the major cultural developments of the Renaissance?
Wealth and Power in Renaissance Italy
Individuals in Society: Cosimo and Lorenzo de’ Medici
The Rise of Humanism
Christian Humanism
Printing and Its Social Impact
Art and the Artist
What were the key social hierarchies in Renaissance Europe, and how did these hierarchies shape people’s lives?
Race and Slavery
Wealth and the Nobility
Gender Roles
How did the nation-states of western Europe evolve in this period?
The Habsburgs
What were the central ideas of Protestant reformers, and why were they appealing to various groups across Europe?
Criticism of the Church
Martin Luther
Protestant Thought and Its Appeal
The Radical Reformation and the German Peasants’ War
Marriage and Women’s Roles
The Reformation and German Politics
England’s Shift Toward Protestantism
Calvinism and Its Moral Standards
How did the Catholic Church respond to the new religious situation?
Papal Reforms and the Council of Trent
New Religious Orders
What were the causes and consequences of religious violence, including riots, wars, and witch-hunts?
French Religious Wars
Civil Wars in the Netherlands
The Great European Witch-Hunt
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Introduction for Chapter 16
Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 16
What was the Afroeurasian trade world like prior to the era of European exploration?
The Trade World of the Indian Ocean
Peoples and Cultures of the Indian Ocean
Trade with Africa and the Middle East
Genoese and Venetian Middlemen
Why and how did Europeans undertake ambitious voyages of expansion?
Causes of European Expansion
Technology and the Rise of Exploration
The Portuguese in Africa and Asia
Spain’s Voyages to the Americas
Spain “Discovers†the Pacific
Early Exploration by Northern European Powers
What was the impact of Iberian conquest and settlement on the peoples and ecologies of the Americas?
Spanish Conquest of the Aztec and Inca Empires
Individuals in Society: Doña Marina / Malintzin
Portuguese Brazil
Colonial Administration
Indigenous Population Loss and Economic Exploitation
Patterns of Settlement
How was the era of global contact shaped by new commodities, commercial empires, and forced migrations?
The Columbian Exchange
Sugar and Early Transatlantic Slavery
The Birth of the Global Economy
How did new encounters shape cultural attitudes and beliefs in Europe and the New World?
Religious Conversion
European Debates About Indigenous Peoples
New Ideas About Race
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Introduction for Chapter 17
Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 17
How were the three Islamic empires established, and what sorts of governments did they set up?
The Ottoman Turkish Empire’s Expansion
The Ottoman Empire’s Use of Slaves
Individuals in Society: Hürrem
The Safavid Empire in Persia
The Mughal Empire in India
What cultural advances occurred under the rule of the Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Empires?
The Arts
City and Palace Building
Intellectual Advances and Religious Trends
Coffeehouses and Their Social Impact
How did Christians, Jews, Hindus, and other non-Muslims fare under these Islamic states?
How were the Islamic empires affected by the gradual shift toward trade routes that bypassed their lands?
European Rivalry for Trade in the Indian Ocean
Merchant Networks in the Islamic Empires
From the British East India Company to the British Empire in India
What common factors led to the decline of central power in the Islamic empires in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries?
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Introduction for Chapter 18
Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 18
How did the Protestant and Catholic Reformations change power structures in Europe and shape European colonial expansion?
The Protestant Reformation
The Catholic Reformation
Religious Violence
How did seventeenth-century European states overcome social and economic crisis to build strong states?
The Social Order and Peasant Life
Famine and Economic Crisis
The Thirty Years’ War
European Achievements in State-Building
How did absolutism evolve in the seventeenth century in Spain, France, and Austria?
The Foundations of French Absolutism
Louis XIV and Absolutism
Expansion Within Europe
The Economic Policy of Mercantilism
The Austrian Habsburgs
The Absolutist Palace
Why and how did the constitutional state triumph in England and the Dutch Republic?
Religious Divides and Civil War
The Puritan Protectorate
Constitutional Monarchy
The Dutch Republic
Individuals in Society: Glückel of Hameln
How did European nations compete for global trade and empire in the Americas and Asia?
The Dutch Trading Empire
Colonial Empires of England and France
Mercantilism and Colonial Wars
People Beyond Borders
How did Russian rulers build a distinctive absolutist monarchy and expand into a vast and powerful empire?
Mongol Rule in Russia and the Rise of Moscow
Building the Russian Empire
Peter the Great and Russia’s Turn to the West
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Introduction for Chapter 19
Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 19
What revolutionary discoveries were made in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and why did they occur in Europe?
Why Europe?
Scientific Thought to 1550
Astronomy and Physics
Newton’s Synthesis
Natural History and Empire
Magic and Alchemy
What intellectual and social changes occurred as a result of the Scientific Revolution?
The Methods of Science
Medicine, the Body, and Chemistry
Science and Religion
Science and Society
What new ideas about society and human relations emerged in the Enlightenment, and what new practices and institutions enabled these ideas to take hold?
The Early Enlightenment
The Influence of the Philosophes
Cultural Contacts and Race
The International Enlightenment
Enlightened Absolutism and Its Limits
Individuals in Society: Moses Mendelssohn and the Jewish Enlightenment
How did economic and social change and the rise of Atlantic trade interact with Enlightenment ideas?
Economic and Demographic Change
The Atlantic Economy
Urban Life and the Public Sphere
Culture and Community in the Atlantic World
The Atlantic Enlightenment
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Introduction for Chapter 20
Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 20
What different types of economic, social, and political structures were found in the kingdoms and states along the west coast and in the Sudan?
The West Coast: Senegambia and Benin
The Sudan: Songhai, Kanem-Bornu, and Hausaland
The Lives of the People of West Africa
Trade and Industry
How did the arrival of Europeans and other foreign cultures affect the East African coast, and how did Ethiopia and the Swahili city-states respond to these incursions?
Muslim and European Incursions in Ethiopia, ca. 1500–1630
The Swahili City-States and the Arrival of the Portuguese, ca. 1500–1600
What role did slavery play in African societies before the transatlantic slave trade began, and what was the effect of European involvement?
The Institution of Slavery in Africa
The Transatlantic Slave Trade
Individuals in Society: Olaudah Equiano
Impact on African Societies
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Introduction for Chapter 21
Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 21
What sort of state and society developed in China after the Mongols were ousted?
The Rise of Zhu Yuanzhang and the Founding of the Ming Dynasty
Problems with the Imperial Institution
The Mongols and the Great Wall
The Examination Life
Individuals in Society: Tan Yunxian, Woman Doctor
Everyday Life in Ming China
Ming Decline
Did the return of alien rule with the Manchus have any positive consequences for China?
The Rise of the Manchus
Competent and Long-Lived Emperors
Imperial Expansion
How did Japan change during this period of political instability?
Muromachi Culture
Civil War
The Victors: Nobunaga and Hideyoshi
What was life like in Japan during the Tokugawa peace?
Tokugawa Government
Commercialization and the Growth of Towns
The Life of the People in the Edo Period
How did the sea link the countries of East Asia, and what happened when Europeans entered this maritime sphere?
Zheng He’s Voyages
Piracy and Japan’s Overseas Adventures
Europeans Enter the Scene
Christian Missionaries
Learning from the West
The Shifting International Environment in the Eighteenth Century
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Introduction for Chapter 22
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What were the factors behind the age of revolution in the Atlantic world?
Social Change
Demands for Liberty and Equality
The Seven Years’ War
Why and how did American colonists forge a new, independent nation?
The Origins of the Revolution
Independence from Britain
Framing the Constitution
Limitations of Liberty and Equality
How did the events of 1789 result in a constitutional monarchy in France, and what were the consequences?
Breakdown of the Old Order
The National Assembly
Constitutional Monarchy
The National Convention
The Directory
How did Napoleon Bonaparte assume control of France and much of Europe, and what factors led to his downfall?
Napoleon’s Rule of France
Napoleon’s Expansion in Europe
The Grand Empire and Its End
How did slave revolt on colonial Saint-Domingue lead to the creation of the independent nation of Haiti in 1804?
Revolutionary Aspirations in Saint-Domingue
The Outbreak of Revolt
Individuals in Society: Toussaint L’Ouverture
The War of Haitian Independence
Why and how did the Spanish and Portuguese colonies of North and South America shake off European domination and develop into national states?
The Origins of the Revolutions Against Colonial Powers
Resistance, Rebellion, and Independence
The Aftermath of Revolution in the Atlantic World
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Introduction for Chapter 23
Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 23
Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in Britain, and how did it develop between 1780 and 1850?
Why Britain?
Technological Innovations and Early Factories
The Steam Engine Breakthrough
Individuals in Society: Josiah Wedgwood
Steam-Powered Transportation
Industry and Population
How did countries in Europe and around the world respond to the challenge of industrialization after 1815?
National and International Variations
Industrialization in Continental Europe
Agents of Industrialization
The Global Picture
How did work evolve during the Industrial Revolution, and how did daily life change for working people?
Work in Early Factories
Working Families and Children
The Sexual Division of Labor
Living Standards for the Working Class
How did the changes brought about by the Industrial Revolution lead to new social classes, and how did people respond to the new structure?
The New Class of Factory Owners
Responses to Industrialization
The Early Labor Movement in Britain
The Impact of Slavery
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Introduction for Chapter 24
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How did the allies fashion a peace settlement in 1815, and what radical ideas emerged between 1815 and 1848?
The Political and Social Situation after 1815
Conservatism After 1815
Liberalism and the Middle Class
The Growing Appeal of Nationalism
The Birth of Socialism
Why did revolutions triumph briefly throughout most of Europe in 1848, and why did they fail?
Social and Economic Conflict
Liberal Reform in Great Britain
Revolutions in France
The Revolutions of 1848 in Central Europe
How did strong leaders and nation building transform Italy, Germany, and Russia?
Cavour, Garibaldi, and the Unification of Italy
Individuals in Society: Giuseppe Garibaldi
Bismarck and German Unification
The Modernization of Russia
What was the impact of urban growth on cities, social classes, families, and ideas?
Urban Development
Social Inequality and Class
The Changing Family
Science for the Masses
Cultural Shifts
How did nationalism and socialism shape European politics in the decades before the Great War?
Trends in Suffrage
The German Empire
Republican France
Great Britain and the Austro-Hungarian Empire
Jewish Emancipation and Modern Anti-Semitism
The Socialist Movement
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Introduction for Chapter 25
Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 25
What were the most significant changes in Africa during the nineteenth century, and why did they occur?
Trade and Social Change
Islamic Revival and Expansion in Africa
The Scramble for Africa, 1880–1914
Southern Africa in the Nineteenth Century
Colonialism’s Impact After 1900
What were the causes and consequences of European empire building after 1880?
Causes of the New Imperialism
A “Civilizing Missionâ€
Critics of Imperialism
African and Asian Resistance
How did the Ottoman Empire and Egypt try to modernize themselves, and what were the most important results?
Decline and Reform in the Ottoman Empire
Egypt: From Reform to British Occupation
Individuals in Society: Muhammad Ali
What were the global consequences of European industrialization between 1800 and 1914?
The Rise of Global Inequality
The World Market
What fueled migration, and what was the general pattern of this unprecedented movement of people?
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Introduction for Chapter 26
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In what ways did India change as a consequence of British rule?
The Evolution of British Rule
The Socioeconomic Effects of British Rule
The British and the Indian Educated Elite
Why were most but not all Southeast Asian societies reduced to colonies?
The Dutch East Indies
Mainland Southeast Asia
Individuals in Society: José Rizal
Was China’s decline in the nineteenth century due more to internal problems or to Western imperialism?
The Opium War
Internal Problems
The Self-Strengthening Movement
Republican Revolution
How was Japan able to quickly master the challenges posed by the West?
The “Opening†of Japan
The Meiji Restoration
Japan as an Imperial Power
What were the causes and consequences of the vast movement of people in the Pacific region?
Settler Colonies in the Pacific: Australia and New Zealand
Asian Emigration
What explains the similarities and differences in the experiences of Asian countries in this era?
Chapter Summary
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Step 2: Explain Why It Matters
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Step 4: Put It All Together
In Your Own Words
Introduction for Chapter 27
Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 27
How and why did the process of nation-state consolidation vary across the Americas?
Liberalism and Caudillos in Spanish America
Mexico and the United States
Liberal Reform in Mexico
Brazil: A New World Monarchy
Why did slavery last longer in the United States, Brazil, and Cuba than in other republics of the Americas? How did patterns of resistance shape slavery and abolition?
Slave Societies in the Americas
Independence and Abolition
Abolition in Cuba and Brazil
As Latin America became more integrated into the world economy, how did patterns of economic growth shape social relations and political culture?
The Porfiriato and Liberal Stability in Mexico
Liberal Consolidation in South America
Latin America Re-enters the World Economy
Individuals in Society: Henry Meiggs, Promoter and Speculator
What factors shaped immigration patterns to the Americas? How did immigrants shape — and how were they shaped by — their new settings?
Immigration to Latin America
Immigration to the United States
Immigration to Canada
In what ways did U.S. policies in the Caribbean and Central America resemble European imperialism? How did U.S. foreign policy depart from European imperialism?
U.S. Intervention in Latin America
The Spanish-American War
The Panama Canal
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Step 4: Put It All Together
In Your Own Words
Introduction for Chapter 28
Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 28
What were the long-term and immediate causes of World War I, and how did the conflict become a global war?
Origins and Causes of the Great War
The Outbreak of War
Stalemate and Slaughter
The War Becomes Global
How did total war affect the home fronts of the major combatants?
Mobilizing for Total War
The Social Impact of War
Individuals in Society: Vera Brittain
Growing Political Tensions
What factors led to the Russian Revolution, and what was its outcome?
The Fall of Imperial Russia
The Provisional Government
Lenin and the Bolshevik Revolution
Dictatorship and Civil War
What were the global consequences of the First World War?
The End of the War
The Paris Peace Treaties
American Rejection of the Versailles Treaty
How did leaders deal with the political dimensions of uncertainty and try to re-establish peace and prosperity in the interwar years?
Germany and the Western Powers
Hope in Foreign Affairs
Hope in Democratic Government
In what ways were the anxieties of the postwar world expressed or heightened by revolutionary ideas in modern thought, art, and science and in new forms of communication?
Uncertainty in Philosophy and Religion
The New Physics
Freudian Psychology
Twentieth-Century Literature
Modern Architecture, Art, and Music
Movies and Radio
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Introduction for Chapter 29
Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 29
Why did modern nationalism develop in Asia between the First and Second World Wars, and what was its appeal?
Asian Reaction to the War in Europe
The Mandates System
Nationalism’s Appeal
How did the Ottoman Empire’s collapse in World War I shape nationalist movements in the Middle East?
The Arab Revolt
The Turkish Revolution
Modernization Efforts in Persia and Afghanistan
Gradual Independence in the Arab States
Arab-Jewish Tensions in Palestine
What role did Gandhi and his campaign of militant nonviolence play in leading India to independence from the British?
British Promises and Repression
The Roots of Militant Nonviolence
Gandhi’s Resistance Campaign in India
How did nationalism shape political developments in East and Southeast Asia?
The Rise of Nationalist China
China’s Intellectual Revolution
Individuals in Society: Ning Lao, a Chinese Working Woman
From Liberalism to Ultranationalism in Japan
Japan Against China
Striving for Independence in Southeast Asia
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Introduction for Chapter 30
Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 30
What caused the Great Depression, and what were its consequences?
The Economic Crisis
Mass Unemployment
The New Deal in the United States
The European Response to the Depression
Worldwide Effects
What was the nature of the new totalitarian dictatorships, and how did they differ from conservative authoritarian states and from each other?
Conservative Authoritarianism
Radical Totalitarian Dictatorships
How did Stalin and the Communist Party build a totalitarian order in the Soviet Union?
From Lenin to Stalin
The Five-Year Plans
Life and Culture in Soviet Society
Stalinist Terror and the Great Purges
How did Italian fascism develop?
The Seizure of Power
The Regime in Action
Why were Hitler and his Nazi regime initially so popular, and how did their actions lead to World War II?
The Roots of Nazism
Hitler’s Road to Power
The Nazi State and Society
Hitler’s Popularity
Aggression and Appeasement, 1933–1939
How did Germany and Japan build empires in Europe and Asia, and how did the Allies defeat them?
Hitler’s Empire in Europe, 1939–1942
The Holocaust
Individuals in Society: Primo Levi
Japan’s Asian Empire
The Grand Alliance
The War in Europe, 1942–1945
The War in the Pacific, 1942–1945
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Step 4: Put It All Together
In Your Own Words
Introduction for Chapter 31
Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 31
How did the Cold War and decolonization shape the postwar world?
The Cold War and the Division of Europe
The United Nations
The Politics of Liberation
Dependency and Development Theories
Interpreting the Postcolonial Experience
How did religion and the legacies of colonialism affect the formation of new nations in South Asia and the Middle East after World War II?
Independence in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh
Arab Socialism in the Middle East
The Arab-Israeli Conflict
How did the Cold War shape reconstruction, revolution, and decolonization in East and Southeast Asia?
The Communist Victory in China
Conflict in Korea
Japan’s American Reconstruction
The Vietnam War
What factors influenced decolonization in Africa after World War II?
The Growth of African Nationalism
Ghana Shows the Way
French-Speaking Regions
Why did populism emerge as such a powerful political force in Latin America?
Economic Nationalism in Mexico
Populism in Argentina and Brazil
Individuals in Society: Eva Perón
Communist Revolution in Cuba
Why did the world face growing social unrest in the 1960s?
The Soviet Union Struggles to Move Beyond Stalin
Western Europe’s Postwar Challenge
America’s Economic Boom and Civil Rights Revolution
The World in 1968
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Step 4: Put It All Together
In Your Own Words
Introduction for Chapter 32
Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 32
What were the short-term and long-term consequences of the OPEC oil embargo?
The OPEC Oil Embargo
Mexico Under the PRI
Nigeria, Africa’s Giant
How did war and revolution reshape the Middle East?
The Palestinian-Israeli Conflict
Egypt: Arab World Leader
Revolution and War in Iran and Iraq
What effect did the Cold War and debt crisis have on Latin America?
Civil Wars in Central America
Boom and Bust in Chile
The Dirty War in Argentina
Development and Dictatorship in Brazil
How did white-minority rule end in southern Africa?
Portuguese Decolonization and Rhodesia
South Africa Under Apartheid
Political Change in Africa Since 1990
How have East and South Asian nations pursued economic development, and how have political regimes shaped those efforts?
China’s Economic Resurgence
“Japan, Inc.†and the “Asian Tigersâ€
Development Versus Democracy in India and Pakistan
How did decolonization and the end of the Cold War change Europe?
The Limits of Reform in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe
Individuals in Society: Václav Havel
Recasting Russia Without Communism
Integration and Reform in Europe
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Step 4: Put It All Together
In Your Own Words
Introduction for Chapter 33
Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 33
Does the contemporary world reflect the “end of history�
Complexity and Violence in a Multipolar World
An Expanding Atomic Age
Al-Qaeda and Afghanistan
How have migration and the circulation of capital and technology continued to shape the world?
Individuals in Society: Sieng, a Mnong Refugee in an American High School
Multinational Corporations
What challenges did social reformers address at the turn of the twenty-first century?
Lesbian, Gay, and Transgender Rights
Women’s Right to Equality
Children: The Right to Childhood
How have science and technology kept pace with population change?
Intensified Agriculture and the Green Revolution
Slowing Population Growth
The Medical Revolution
A Digital Revolution
Chapter Summary
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Step 2: Explain Why It Matters
Step 3: Move Beyond the Basics
Step 4: Put It All Together
In Your Own Words
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Preface: Why This Book This Way
About the Authors