Understanding World Societies:
Printed Page 388

Introduction for Chapter 14


> What role did clergy, nobles, peasants, and townspeople play in medieval European society? Chapter 14 examines the development of European civilization in the Middle Ages. Traditionally, the history of Europe has been divided into three periods — ancient, medieval, and modern. At times, the history of other parts of the world has also been fit into this three-period schema as well. Today historians often question the general applicability of such labels, and even the usefulness of the term “Middle Ages” for European history. They assert that the Middle Ages was not simply a period of stagnation between two high points but rather a time of enormous intellectual energy and creative vitality. While agrarian life continued to dominate Europe, political structures that would influence later European history began to form, and Christianity continued to spread.

Hedwig of Silesia Noblewomen in medieval Europe played a wide variety of roles. Hedwig of Silesia conducted diplomatic negotiations, ruled her husband’s territory when he was away, founded monasteries, and worked to expand Christianity in eastern Europe. (The John Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, Ms Ludwig XI, fol. 12v [detail], Court Atelier of Duke Ludwig I of Liegnitz and Brieg [illuminator], Vita beatae Hedwigis, 1353. Tempera colors, colored washes and ink bound between wood boards covered with red-stained pigskin, 34.1 x 24.8 cm.)


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722–1492 1309–1376
Reconquista, the Christian reconquest of Spain from Muslims Papacy in Avignon
ca. 800–950 1315–1322
Viking, Magyar, and Muslim attacks on Europe Famine in northern Europe
1066–1087 ca. 1337–1453
Reign of William the Conqueror Hundred Years’ War
1086 1347
Domesday Book Black Death arrives in Europe
1095–1270 1358
Crusades Jacquerie peasant uprising in France
1180–1270 1378–1417
Height of construction of cathedrals in France Great Schism
1215 1381
Magna Carta English Peasants’ Revolt
1225–1274 1429
Life of Saint Thomas Aquinas, author of Summa Theologica Joan of Arc leads French troops to victory at Orléans