Understanding World Societies:
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Since the time of the Carolingian Empire, monasteries and cathedral schools had offered the only formal instruction available. In the eleventh century in Bologna and other Italian cities, wealthy businessmen established municipal schools; in the twelfth century municipal schools in Italy and cathedral schools in France developed into much larger universities, a transformation parallel to the opening of madrasas in Muslim cities (see “Education and Intellectual Life” in Chapter 9).
The growth of the University of Bologna coincided with a revival of interest in Roman law. The study of Roman law as embodied in Justinian’s Code (see “Justinian’s Code of Law” in Chapter 8) had never completely died out in the West, but in the eleventh century the discovery of a complete manuscript of the code in a library in northern Italy led scholars to study and teach Roman law intently.
At the Italian city of Salerno, interest in medicine had persisted for centuries. Greek and Muslim physicians there had studied the use of herbs as cures and had experimented with surgery. The twelfth century ushered in a new interest in Greek medical texts and in the work of Arab and Greek doctors. Ideas from this medical literature spread throughout Europe from Salerno and became the basis of training for physicians at other medieval universities.
Although medicine and law were important academic disciplines in the Middle Ages, theology was “the queen of sciences.” Paris became the place to study theology, and in the first decades of the twelfth century students from all over Europe crowded into the cathedral school of Notre Dame in that city.
University professors were known as “schoolmen” or Scholastics. They developed a method of thinking, reasoning, and writing in which questions were raised and authorities cited on both sides of a question. The goal of the Scholastic method was to arrive at definitive answers and to provide a rational explanation for what was believed on faith.
One of the most famous Scholastics was Peter Abelard (1079–
Students lived in privately endowed residential colleges and were considered to be lower-
At all universities the standard method of teaching was the lecture. With this method the professor read a passage from the Bible, Justinian’s Code, or one of Aristotle’s treatises. He then explained and interpreted the passage. Examinations were given after three, four, or five years of study, when the student applied for a degree. If the candidate passed, he was awarded the first, or bachelor’s, degree. Further study enabled the graduate to try for the master’s and doctor’s degrees. Degrees were technically licenses to teach. Most students, however, did not become teachers. They staffed the expanding royal and papal administrations.