Understanding World Societies:
Printed Page 425
The impact of new ideas during this period was magnified by the invention of the printing press with movable metal type. While printing with movable type was invented in China (see “The Scholar-Officials and Neo-Confucianism” in Chapter 13), movable metal type was actually developed in the thirteenth century in Korea, though it was tightly controlled by the monarchy and did not have the broad impact there that printing did in Europe. Printing with movable metal type developed in Germany in the middle of the fifteenth century. Several metal-
The effects of the invention of movable-
Printing transformed both the private and the public lives of Europeans. In the public realm, government and church leaders both used and worried about printing. They printed laws, declarations of war, battle accounts, and propaganda, but they also attempted to censor or ban books and authors whose ideas they thought were wrong.
In the private realm, printing enabled people to read identical books so that they could more easily discuss the ideas that the books contained. Although most of the earliest books and pamphlets dealt with religious subjects, printers produced anything that would sell. Illustrations increased a book’s sales, so printers published books full of woodcuts and engravings. Additionally, single-
Because many laypeople could not read Latin, printers put out works in vernacular languages, fostering standardization in these languages. Works in these languages were also performed on stage. In London the works of William Shakespeare (1564–