Understanding World Societies:
Printed Page 612

> What sort of state and society developed in China after the Mongols were ousted?

Portrait of a Scholar-Official
The official Jiang Shunfu arranged to have his portrait painted wearing an official robe and hat and followed by two boy attendants, one holding a lute wrapped in cloth. During Ming and Qing times, the rank of an official was made visible by the badges he wore on his robes. The pair of cranes on Jiang’s badge shows he held a first-rank post in the civil service hierarchy. (From Mingqing renwuxiaoxiang huaxuan [Nanjing: Nanjing Bowuguan], pl 16/Visual Connection Archive)

TTHE OVERTHROW OF THE MONGOLS and the establishment of the Ming Dynasty ushered in an era of peace, prosperity, and lively urban culture. By the beginning of the seventeenth century, however, the Ming government was beset by fiscal, military, and political problems.