Understanding World Societies:
Printed Page 617
Tan Yunxian, Woman Doctor
The grandmother of Tan Yunxian (1461–
Tan Yunxian married and raised four children but also practiced medicine, confining her practice to women. At age fifty she wrote an autobiographical account, Sayings of a Female Doctor. In the preface she described how, under her grandmother’s tutelage, she had first memorized the Canon of Problems and the Canon of the Pulse. Then when her grandmother had time, she asked her granddaughter to explain particular passages in these classic medical treatises.
Tan Yunxian began the practice of medicine by treating her own children, asking her grandmother to check her diagnoses. When her grandmother was old and ill, she gave Yunxian her notebook of prescriptions and her equipment for making medicines, telling her to study them carefully. Later, Yunxian herself became seriously ill and dreamed of her grandmother telling her on what page of which book to find the prescription that would cure her. When she recovered, she began her medical career in earnest.
Tan Yunxian’s book records the cases of thirty-
Yunxian’s patients included working women, and Yunxian seems to have thought that their problems often sprang from overwork. One woman came to her because she had had vaginal bleeding for three years. When questioned, the woman told Yunxian that she worked all day with her husband at their kiln making bricks and tiles. Yunxian’s diagnosis was overwork, and she gave the woman pills to replenish her yin energies. A boatman’s wife came to her complaining of numbness in her hands. When the woman told Yunxian that she worked in the wind and rain handling the boat, the doctor advised some time off. In another case Yunxian explained to a servant girl that she had gone back to work too soon after suffering a wind damage fever.
By contrast, when patients came from upper-
Tan Yunxian herself lived a long life, dying at age ninety-
Source: Based on Charlotte Furth, A Flourishing Yin: Gender in China’s Medical History, 960–1665 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1999), pp. 285–
What kinds of treatments did Chinese doctors employ? Examine artwork depicting Chinese medical practices, and then complete a quiz and writing assignment based on the evidence and details from this chapter. See Document Project for Chapter 21