Understanding World Societies:
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From 1775 to 1825 a wave of revolution sweep through the Atlantic world. Its origins included long-
In 1789 delegates to the Estates General defied royal authority to declare themselves a National Assembly, which promulgated France’s first constitution in 1791. Led by the Jacobin club, the Assembly waged war on Austria and Prussia and proclaimed France a republic. From the end of 1793, under the Reign of Terror, the Revolution pursued internal and external enemies ruthlessly and instituted economic controls to aid the poor. The weakness of the Directory government after the fall of Robespierre enabled Napoleon Bonaparte to claim control of France. Napoleon’s relentless military ambitions allowed him to spread French power through much of Europe but ultimately led to his downfall.
After a failed uprising by free men of color, slaves rose in revolt in the French colony of Saint-
Latin American independence movements drew strength from Spain’s unpopular policies. Under the leadership of Simón Bolívar, the United States of Venezuela claimed independence in 1811. Led by Creole officers but reliant on nonwhite soldiers, rebel armies successfully fought Spanish forces over the next decade. Despite Bolivar’s efforts to build a unified state, in the1830s New Spain split into five separate countries. In Brazil the royal regent proclaimed independence in 1822 and reigned as emperor of the new state.