Understanding World Societies:
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Louis XVIII’s Constitutional Charter of 1814 was essentially a liberal constitution. It protected economic and social gains made by the middle class and the peasantry in the French Revolution, recognized intellectual and artistic freedom, and created a parliament with upper and lower houses. The charter was anything but democratic, however. Only a tiny minority of males had the right to vote for the legislative deputies who, with the king and his ministers, made the nation’s laws.
Louis’s conservative successor, Charles X (r. 1824–
During the 1840s this sense of disappointment was worsened by bad harvests and the slow development of industrialization. Similar conditions prevailed across continental Europe, which was soon rocked by insurrections. In February full-
Louis Philippe had refused to approve social legislation or consider electoral reform. Frustrated desires for change, high-
The revolutionaries quickly drafted a democratic, republican constitution for France’s Second Republic, granting the right to vote to every adult male. Slaves in the French colonies were freed, the death penalty was abolished, and national workshops were established for unemployed Parisian workers.
Yet there were profound differences within the revolutionary coalition in Paris. The socialism promoted by radical republicans frightened not only the liberal middle and upper classes but also the peasants, many of whom owned land. When the French masses voted for delegates to the new Constituent Assembly in late April 1848, the monarchists won a clear majority. When the new government dissolved the national workshops in Paris, workers rose in a spontaneous insurrection. After three terrible “June Days” and the death or injury of more than ten thousand people, the republican army stood triumphant in a sea of working-
The revolution in France thus ended in failure. The middle and working classes had turned against each other. In place of a generous democratic republic, the Constituent Assembly completed a constitution featuring a strong executive. This allowed Louis Napoleon, nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte, to win a landslide victory in the December 1848 election based on promises to lead a strong government in favor of popular interests.
President Louis Napoleon at first shared power with a conservative National Assembly. But in 1851 Louis Napoleon dismissed the Assembly and seized power in a coup d’état. A year later he called on the French to make him hereditary emperor, and 97 percent voted to do so in a national plebiscite. Louis Napoleon then ruled France’s Second Empire as Napoleon III, initiating policies favoring economic growth and urban development to appease the populace.