Understanding World Societies:
Printed Page 782

> In what ways did India change as a consequence of British rule?

AARRIVING IN INDIA IN THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY, the British East India Company outmaneuvered French and Dutch rivals and was there to pick up the pieces as the Mughal Empire decayed during the eighteenth century (see “What common factors led to the decline of central power in the Islamic empires in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries?” in Chapter 17). By 1757 the company had gained control over much of India. During the nineteenth century the British government replaced the company, progressively unified the subcontinent, and harnessed its economy to British interests.

British and Sikh Leaders at Lahore
The Sikh kingdom in the Punjab fell to the British in a brief war in 1845–1846. This painting depicts the British and Sikh representatives who negotiated the resulting treaty, which gave Britain control of the region. (© The Trustees of the British Museum/Art Resource, NY)