Understanding World Societies:
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Jawaharlal Nehru’s daughter, Indira Gandhi (no relation to Mohandas Gandhi) (1917–
Separatist ethnic nationalism plagued Indira Gandhi’s last years in office. India remained a patchwork of religions, languages, and peoples, always threatening to further divide the country along ethnic or religious lines. Most notable were the 15 million Sikhs of the Punjab in northern India (see Map 31.2), with their own religion, distinctive culture, and aspirations for greater autonomy for the Punjab. By 1984 some Sikh radicals were fighting for independence. Gandhi cracked down hard and was assassinated by Sikhs in retaliation. Violence followed as Hindu mobs slaughtered over a thousand Sikhs throughout India.
One of Indira Gandhi’s sons, Rajiv Gandhi, was elected prime minister in 1984 by a landslide sympathy vote. Rajiv Gandhi departed from the Congress Party’s socialism and prepared the way for Finance Minister Manmohan Singh to introduce market reforms, capitalist development, and Western technology and investment from 1991 onward. These reforms were successful, and since the 1990s India’s economy has experienced explosive growth.
Though the Congress Party held power in India almost continuously after 1947, in the 1990s Hindu nationalists increasingly challenged the party’s grip on power. These nationalists argued that India was based, above all, on Hindu culture and religion. The Hindu nationalist party, known as the BJP, finally gained power in 1998. The new government immediately tested nuclear devices, asserting its vision of a militant Hindu nationalism. In 2004 the United Progressive Alliance (UPA), a center-
After Pakistan announced that it had developed nuclear weapons in 1998, relations between Pakistan and India worsened. In 2001 the two nuclear powers seemed poised for conflict until intense diplomatic pressure from the United States and other nations brought them back from the abyss of nuclear war. Tensions again increased in 2008 when a Pakistan-
In the decades following the separation of Bangladesh, Pakistan alternated between civilian and military rule. General Muhammad Zia-
When the United States invaded Afghanistan in 2001, Pakistani dictator General Pervez Musharraf (b. 1943) renewed the alliance with the United States, and Pakistan received billions of dollars in U.S. military aid. But U.S. combat against radical terrorist groups drove militants into regions of northwest Pakistan, where they undermined the government’s already-
In 2007 Musharraf attempted to reshape the country’s Supreme Court by replacing the chief justice with one of his close allies, bringing about calls for his impeachment. Former prime minister Benazir Bhutto (1953–
What challenges do China and India face as they attempt to sustain the spectacular economic growth of recent decades?