Understanding World Societies:
Printed Page 152
Chapter Chronology
AAs the republican government was developing, Roman territory continued to expand. The Romans conquered lands all around the Mediterranean, bringing them unheard-of power and wealth. As a result, many Romans became more cosmopolitan and comfortable, and they were especially influenced by the culture of one conquered land: Greece. Yet social unrest also came in the wake of the wars, opening unprecedented opportunities for ambitious generals who wanted to rule Rome like an empire. A series of civil wars ensued, wars which republican government did not survive.
Two Triremes Race
In this fresco painting from the temple of Isis in Pompeii, two triremes — narrow warships powered by several banks of long oars — race in what was most likely a festival celebrating the goddess. Greeks, Carthaginians, and Romans all used triremes, which had bronze front pieces designed to smash into enemy ships. The one hundred to two hundred oarsmen had to row in time to achieve the necessary speed, which took long practice, so this religious celebration also served a military purpose. (© Ministero per i Beni le Attivita Culturali — Soprintendenza archeologia de Napoli/Scala/Art Resource, NY)