Video: The Internet in 1995: The Net

In this 1995 thriller, Sandra Bullock plays a computer expert whose interpersonal interactions are mostly online. Watch this clip and consider the questions below.

Discussion Questions

  1. Question

    How does this 1995 movie portray online communication from about twenty years ago? What looks similar to online communications today? What seems inaccurate or silly, looking at the movie now?

    Your answer has been submitted.
    How does this 1995 movie portray online communication from about twenty years ago? What looks similar to online communications today? What seems inaccurate or silly, looking at the movie now?
  2. Question

    Based on the clip, does this movie appear to portray the internet in a positive or negative light?

    Your answer has been submitted.
    Based on the clip, does this movie appear to portray the internet in a positive or negative light?