Media Professionals Speak about Jobs in the Advertising Industry
Paul Ten Haken, President and Chief Online Strategist, Click Rain, Inc.
If you want to work in the online space, you’ll want to have an online footprint to match. Start a blog, polish up your social profiles, and make sure who Google says you are is who you say you are.
Winston Binch, Partner/Chief Digital Officer, Deutsch LA
Do your homework. Research the hell out of the place you want to work. Learn the history and facts about the people you’re meeting with. Take it further. Come with questions. A lot of them. This is a great way to start a dialogue with someone you’re interviewing with. And it proves you really want the job. If people don’t know anything about my company, it’s generally an immediate pass.
Nadja Bellan-
I think for me, the best advice I’ve been given, and what I try to do, is really be good to the people around you—
Jonathan Goldhill, CEO and Head Marketing Coach, The Goldhill Group
The world will always need great storytellers (i.e., copy writers) and visual types (i.e., graphic designers). People who can turn abstract concepts and execute these complex programs will succeed because they can harness the creative ideas and concepts and see them through to execution. The industry will also always need good managers.
Debra Murphy, Marketing Coach and Founder, Masterful Marketing
Creativity is needed to develop the messages and determine the right set of strategies to implement for achieving your goals. You also need to be flexible in order to take on whatever is needed to execute the strategy. And likeability is needed for the transparency that is critical in today’s online marketing environment.