Step 2: Analysis


BODY CAMS can capture video footage of police actions, and many protestors have demanded increased use of them following a number of incidents of police violence.
AP Photo/Jim Mone

In the second stage of the critical process, you will isolate patterns that emerge that call for closer attention. For example, the Guardian has found from its analysis that “black Americans are more than twice as likely to be unarmed when killed during encounters with police as white people.”5

Specifically, though, first look at sources. In the cases with video available, does the news media tend to rely more on official sources and less on citizen sources? What about in the cases where there is no video available?

Second, look at patterns in outcomes between the cases with video available and the other cases. What is the status of the case? Was the shooting found to be justified, is the case still under investigation, or was an officer charged with a crime?