One of the Common Threads discussed in Chapter 1 is mass media, cultural expression, and storytelling. As television and cable change their shape and size, do they remain the dominant way our culture tells stories?
By the end of the 1950s, television had become an “electronic hearth,” where families gathered in living rooms to share cultural experiences. By 2012, though, the television experience had splintered. Now we are watching programming on our laptops, smartphones, and tablets, making the experience increasingly individual rather than communal. Still, television remains the mass medium that can reach most of us at a single moment in time, whether it’s during a popular sitcom or a presidential debate.
In this shift, what has been lost, and what has been gained? As an electronic hearth, television has offered coverage of special moments—
The bottom line is that today television in all its configurations is both electronic hearth and digital encounter. It still provides a gathering place for friends and family, but now we can also watch a favorite show almost whenever or wherever we want. Like all media forms before it, television is adapting to changing technology and shifting economics. As technology becomes more portable and personal, the network TV, cable, and video subscription industries search for less expensive ways to produce and deliver television. Still, television remains the main place—
The definitions for the terms listed below can be found in the glossary at the end of the book. The page numbers listed with the terms indicate where the term is highlighted in the chapter.
analog, 191
digital, 192
prime time, 194
network era, 195
CATV, 195
narrowcasting, 196
basic cable, 197
superstations, 197
premium channels, 197
pay-per-view (PPV), 197
video-on-demand (VOD), 199
direct broadcast satellite (DBS), 199
time shifting, 200
third screens, 200
fourth screens, 202
kinescope, 203
sketch comedy, 204
situation comedy, 204
anthology dramas, 205
episodic series, 206
chapter shows, 206
serial programs, 206
affiliate stations, 207
Prime Time Access Rule (PTAR), 211
fin-syn, 212
must-carry rules, 212
access channels, 212
leased channels, 214
electronic publishers, 214
common carriers, 214
Telecommunications Act of 1996, 215
deficit financing, 217
retransmission fees, 218
O & Os, 218
syndication, 218
evergreens, 218
fringe time, 218
off-network syndication, 219
first-run syndication, 219
rating, 220
share, 220
multiple-system operators (MSOs), 223
multichannel video programming distributors (MVPDs), 223
video subscription services, 223
The Origins and Development of Television
The Development of Cable
Technology and Convergence Change Viewing Habits
Major Programming Trends
Regulatory Challenges to Television and Cable
The Economics and Ownership of Television and Cable
Television, Cable, and Democracy
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VIDEO: WIRED OR WIRELESS: TELEVISION DELIVERY TODAY This video explores the switch to digital TV signals in 2009 and how it is changing television delivery.