Chapter 1. LaunchPad for Media and Culture 11e
Digital Update Activity: Detaching from Digital . . . Just for a Day
Digital Update Activity: Detaching from Digital . . . Just for a Day
The Assignment:
By some estimates, young adults have their digital devices connected to Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and so on, for more than six hours a day—so for many it’s almost a full-time job just monitoring social media networks. Then another three to four hours are spent enjoying various media, like music or the news, digitally. So, can you turn off all your digital gizmos for a day? What would that be like?
So pick a day, and keep notes along the way. A weekend might work because you could find some things to do that don’t require your smartphone or computer (go to a theme park, take a long walk, attend a lecture, go to the library, hang out with friends, volunteer your time, visit an old person, call a grandparent on an actual land-line phone, take a long nap). Or you could use some old media: read a book, go to a movie, watch a TV show on an actual television set, read a printed newspaper or magazine. Best of all, observe how others around you are using digital media, and take notes. However, a weekday might also work because you could distract yourself by taking notes by hand (and a professor or two might actually use social media in class, which would give you a temporary fix to get you through the day).
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Digital Update Activity: Detaching from Digital . . . Just for a Day
The Preparation
Use the space below to answer the following questions.
1. Make a list of all the people you feel compelled to notify that you will be out of digital contact for a day. If you decide to tell no one, please explain why.
2. Make a plan for the day—and leave time in the evening for writing notes about your experience.
Digital Update Activity: Detaching from Digital . . . Just for a Day
The Digital-less Day
- Turn off and/or hide (or bury) your smartphone, computer, and/or tablet.
- Keep a handwritten diary of your day (this will help distract you).
- Watch the behavior of others using digital media. Do you notice any pattern or anything significant in the way others use digital media?
Digital Update Activity: Detaching from Digital . . . Just for a Day
The Report
Use the space below to answer the following questions.
1. List the day you picked (and why you picked it).
2. List how many people you needed to inform about your digital-less day.
3. Write a brief outline of your plan for the day (and note whether you followed your plan or not).
4. How did it go? Describe how you got through the day. Did you miss your devices? If so, what was that like? Was this pretty easy to do, or do feel like you might be addicted (an addiction would most likely mean that you could not stop using digital media without some kind of help or intervention).
5. Did you NOT make it through the day without your devices? If not, explain what happened.
6. In your observations of others using digital media, note any insights you may have had about how friends (or strangers) use digital media.
7. Make a list of the pros and cons of your digital media uses. Are there any digital behaviors you could do without? Do the pros outweigh the cons or vice versa? Explain.