Chapter 1. LaunchPad for Media and Culture 11e
Digital Update Activity: The Meaning of Music Formats
Digital Update Activity: The Meaning of Music Formats
Music formats are constantly changing, and streaming is the most recent development in music recording distribution. Consider this series of questions to better understand where we are going (and where we’ve been) with sound recording formats.
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Digital Update Activity: The Meaning of Music Formats
Questions 1-3
Use the space below to answer the following questions.
1. In what format(s) do you get your music? If it is streaming, what is the streaming service you prefer, and why?
2. Do you still keep your music downloads (e.g., from iTunes or elsewhere)? Do you still have CDs? Do you collect vinyl records? Why?
3. Given that streaming exists as a popular way to listen to music, why do people still buy hard copies?
Digital Update Activity: The Meaning of Music Formats
Questions 4-6
Use the space below to answer the following questions.
4. Will the future of music be completely digital? Or is there a need to have a physical representation of music?
5. Do you buy other physical representations of the musical artist, such as T-shirts or concert tickets? For example, Chance the Rapper gives his music away for free via SoundCloud and makes all his profits through merchandise and concert ticket sales (visit
6. How do the ways in which fans prefer to consume music affect the way artists might make money from their music careers?
Digital Update Activity: The Meaning of Music Formats
Questions 7-9
Use the space below to answer the following questions.
7. Even if the recording industry isn’t making as much money now as it was fifteen years ago, has the industry “won” against illegal downloading and maintained copyright with the advent of streaming?
8. How have musical artists gained control, and lost control, with the arrival of digital music (compared to earlier eras of only physical music sales, like CDs)?
9. What are your predictions about music consumption over the next ten years?