Chapter 1. LaunchPad for Media and Culture 11e

Digital Update Activity: Growing Up with Newspapers—A Look Back

Digital Update Activity: Growing Up with Newspapers—A Look Back
You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.

Conduct several interviews (six to eight) with family and friends from earlier generations. Write a story about their relationships to newspapers. Here is a set of questions to ask to get you started:

  1. What is your earliest memory of newspapers? What do you remember reading in the paper? How did you read the newspaper? What did you read first? Next? What did you skip?
  2. How do your newspaper-reading habits today differ from when you were younger and first began reading newspapers?
  3. What are the main strengths of newspapers? Why do you read them?
  4. What are the major weaknesses of newspapers?
  5. Why do you think that the Founders singled out only one commercial business for protection—“the press”—in the U.S. Constitution?
  6. Think of a few of your own questions to ask here.

Let’s get started! Click the forward and backward arrows to navigate through the slides. You may also click the above outline button to skip to certain slides.

Digital Update Activity: Growing Up with Newspapers—A Look Back

During your interviews, take notes with a paper and pen as your interviewees answer your questions. After you have completed your interviews, use the space below here to record some notes of your findings.

Use the space below for notetaking.

During your interviews, take notes with a paper and pen as your interviewees answer your questions. After you have completed your interviews, use the space below here to record some notes of your findings.

Digital Update Activity: Growing Up with Newspapers—A Look Back

So what did you find out? What patterns emerged from talking to several interview subjects? Write your story here.

Use the space below to write your written response.

So what did you find out? What patterns emerged from talking to several interview subjects? Write your story here.