Chapter 1. LaunchPad for Media and Culture 11e
Digital Update Activity: Media Company Loyalty
Digital Update Activity: Media Company Loyalty
For this activity, first complete the media usage chart, which can be accessed below, according to your own media use choices and habits.
When you’re done, add up the numbers for each column and give yourself a score for each company.
Digital Update Activity: Media Company Loyalty
Evaluating Your Company Loyalties
Take a look at your scores.
Use the space below to answer the following questions.
1. Did you score 0–3 for any particular company? A score of 0–3 suggests a LOW dependency on a media company.
2. Did you score 4–6 for any particular company? A score of 4–6 suggests a MODERATE dependency on a media company.
3. Did you score 6 or higher for any particular company? A score of 6 or higher suggests a HIGH dependency on a media company.
Digital Update Activity: Media Company Loyalty
As a class, discuss the following questions.
Use the boxes below to record your thoughts.
1. Which companies did you score the highest on?
2. What are the dangers or concerns about getting too much media from one company?
3. Why is distribution across several digital companies good?
4. What does a high “Other” score mean?
5. How might you change your usage habits?