The Ninth Edition Update Keeps Media and Culture Current


The media move and change quickly, and the digital turn has only accelerated this process. Since the publication of the ninth edition, we’ve seen the conflicts—over National Security Agency (NSA) leaks and policies, the morality of awards-show performances, the shifting fortunes of various media outlets, and divisive politics—unfold over YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and other feeds. The speed of these stories means that understanding the complex connections between the media and our culture is more important than ever.

With the ninth edition update, we go beyond the addition of current events and trends—though we do include those, too—and focus on what these changes mean. We demonstrate to students the centrality of media in our lives, and help them become informed media consumers, by showing them how to critically analyze media events today, as they happen. The updated edition of Media and Culture extends the bridge between media history and the media right now.

The update includes: