Chapter 3 Visual Activities 2

Chapter 3 Visual Activities 2


Focus Questions

What types of video games are most popular?

Which types are least popular?

What does this pie chart tell you about the state of video games today?

Top Video Game Genres by Units Sold, 2011


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Short-Answer Questions


1. How are action games different from shooter games?

Action games ask players to test their reflexes and to punch, slash, shoot, or throw as strategically and accurately as possible so as to make their way through a series of levels. These games may feature hand-to-hand combat and sophisticated weaponry and obstacles. Examples of action games include Street Fighter, Hidden Blade, Pac-Man, and Super Mario Bros. Shooter games typically have a first-person shooter perspective, allowing players to feel like they are actually holding the weapon and are physically immersed in the drama. They require players not only to shoot opponents, but also to think strategically about which weapon to use and when. There is frequently an ultimate goal, and players must negotiate a number of variables through multiple levels to achieve it. Popular shooter games include Halo, Doom, and Call of Duty

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2. What major features are typically seen in most video games?

The major video game conventions include avatars, bosses, and vertical and side scrolling. An avatar is an onscreen figure that represents the player. Bosses are powerful enemy characters that represent the final challenge in a stage or the entire game. Vertical and side scrolling refers to the screen following the action as it moves. Video games may also feature an isometric perspective that allows players to see the tops and sides of objects, a first-person perspective that presents the gameplay through the eyes of the avatar, or a third-person perspective, which enables the player to view the avatar in action from an external viewpoint.
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