JACK BAUER: CTU just confirmed that McCarthy, he's looking for an engineer for Fayed. They're going to arm the nukes.

GRAEM BAUER: Then you're wasting time talking to me, Jack.

JACK BAUER: You're holding something back. The machine doesn't lie.

GRAEM BAUER: It must be broken because I told you everything I know.


JACK BAUER: That's hyocine penthothal. It's a neuroinflammatory designed to induce pain. All you have to do to stop me from using it is tell me how to find McCarthy.

GRAEM BAUER: Your guess is as good as mine.



JACK BAUER: Come on. Come on.


JACK BAUER: I can take this to 7cc. You will experience a pain I can't even describe. At 8cc I run the risk of inducing heart attack. Gray, make no mistake about it. I will go there if I have to. Please, just tell me what I need to know. Please. I don't want to hurt you.

GRAEM BAUER: You sure about that, Jack?

JACK BAUER: Please, Gray. Just tell me what I need to know. (SHOUTING) How do I find McCarthy? Do it.