Chapter 1. Sound Recordings from a Century Ago
In the clips below, a museum curator demonstrates how to operate two hand-cranked working phonographs, one that plays wax cylinders and one that plays an early version of records. Watch these clips and answer the discussion questions that follow. “Submit” your response to each question.
Source: Shawn Harmsen
Source: Shawn Harmsen
Discussion Questions
1. The wax cylinder player shown in the first video is about a century old, and it produces a very different kind of listening experience than what we’re used to today. What are some of the differences that you notice, and how do you think those differences would change the way you consume music if this was the only music delivery mechanism you had? Do you expect that your current listening device of choice—smartphone, Bluetooth speaker, etc.—will still be working a century from now?
2. The second video shows a working phonograph that plays discs, which are early versions of records. Records are still around today, and some music lovers even prefer their sound to a more “modern” digital listening experience. Why do you think listening to music in record form might be appealing? Do you ever listen to records yourself? Why or why not?