Maxwell J. Mehlman
Imagine what it would be like if a similar regime were imposed outside of sports. We would have to endure testing whenever we competed—at school, at work, and, since so many of us work at least in part where we live, at home. Moreover, because the positive effects of enhancements might persist after the use of enhancements ceases, the way the performance benefits provided by certain forms of enhancements in sports do, testing would have to take place on some schedule “outside of competition”—in other words, during our private lives. Moreover, to prevent people from masking the enhancement or otherwise thwarting the analyses, the tests would have to be conducted without forewarning, which means that, as we go about our lives, the authorities would have to know where we are at all times. And remember: so long as the tests continue to employ urinalysis, which is currently the cheapest test method, it would be necessary for the specimen to be obtained under observation.