NEDA, A Silent Epidemic?
Formed in 2001, the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) is a nonprofit organization that works to support people affected by eating disorders. In the infographic below, NEDA tackles the often-ignored subject of eating disorders among males. Before you take a look, think about whether you know any men or boys who suffer from poor eating habits or negative body images.
[[insert sized-down E21f_silentepidemic.png]]
Courtesy of National Eating Disorders Association
Questions for Study and Discussion
After exploring the infographic, consider the questions below. Then submit your responses.
1. What is the implied thesis of the graphic? Restate the thesis in your own words.
2. What is the purpose of the graphic? What does the NEDA hope to accomplish with this graphic?
3. Evaluate the effectiveness of this graphic. For example, do you think it includes the right amount of statistics? Are the visuals effective and engaging? What other sorts of information should the NEDA add?
4. Come up with an alternative title for this graphic in the form of a statement instead of a question. Then, compare your title with the current one. What does your new title add to the graphic? Is anything lost from the original? Why or why not?
5. Compare and contrast NEDA’s infographic to Rader Programs’ infographic on women and eating habits. What do men and women have in common when it comes to their feelings about body image? In what ways do they differ?