10.10 Downsizing can mitigate the impacts of hydroelectric development

Many of the problems with modern hydropower projects stem from their massive size. Focusing on smaller-scale hydroelectric development and building lower dams can mitigate most of these impacts. Lower dams reduce the amount of water stored and the area flooded. Because small dams store little water, they create little change in river flow and have minor effects on the temperature or chemistry of a river. They also displace few or no people.

Run-of-the-River Hydroelectric Systems

run-of-the-river power plants Hydroelectric systems that provide little or no water storage in a reservoir and divert a portion of river flow through pipes that pass directly through a turbine.

One common alternative to erecting large dams on the main channel of a river is to erect smaller power plants. These run-of-the-river power plants, which provide little or no water storage in a reservoir, divert a portion of river flow through pipes that pass directly through a turbine (Figure 10.45). These systems have their own impacts, but there are ways to mitigate them. First, water must flow continuously through the main river channel at reasonable water levels to maintain ecosystem health and biodiversity. In addition, fish still need a bypass system to permit them to swim beyond the diversion dam. However, with a low dam, it’s much easier to build such a bypass system with relatively natural structures and flows (Figure 10.46).

FIGURE 10.45 The low dam at the intake to a run-of-the-river hydroelectric power station impounds only enough water to keep the intake to the penstock (pipe) submerged, therefore avoiding most of the environmental changes caused by large-scale hydroelectric systems. If a small fraction of the total flow on any given season is diverted, the river will continue with something close to its natural flow pattern.


Should the amount of water diverted by run-of-the-river hydroelectric systems change during droughts and times of abundant flow? If so, what criteria should be used to manage river diversions?

FIGURE 10.46 Fish bypass systems are relatively simple to design, where dams are low, as on run-of-the-river hydroelectric systems. Increasingly, fish bypass systems like this one are being designed to blend with the natural landscape.
(U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service)


Retrofitting Existing Dams


What are the potential benefits to spreading generating capacity across 100 sites instead of focusing generation at just a few, Hoover Dam–scale sites?

Many dams were built in the early 20th century for water storage and flood protection—not hydropower production. In such situations, we can add hydropower turbines without building new dams. Researchers at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory point out that there are 54,000 unpowered dams in the United States alone (Figure 10.47), and they estimate that the top 100 could add 8 gigawatts of installed hydroelectric capacity to the U.S. electrical grid. That’s equivalent to four Hoover Dams (see Figure 10.12, page 304). The greatest potential for such developments is found in the nation’s largest rivers, including the Mississippi, Ohio, and Arkansas Rivers—notably, rivers mainly found in regions of the country not particularly rich in wind or solar energy.

FIGURE 10.47 There are tens of thousands of existing dams in the United States that could be retrofitted to generate hydroelectricity. Just 100 of the top prospects for retrofitting could add significantly to existing hydroelectric capacity. (Data from Hadjerioua et al., 2012)

Dam-Free Hydropower

It’s not always necessary to build a dam to harness the kinetic energy of a river (Figure 10.48). In 2009 one such electric turbine was placed directly in the Mississippi River at Hastings, Minnesota. The turbine actually sits beneath the outflow of an existing, conventional hydroelectric power plant. Tests of the turbine installed at Hastings, which spins at 21 revolutions per minute, showed that over 97% of fish were able to pass through it without injury. Similar projects are planned for many of the larger rivers of the eastern half of the United States, with a total potential generating capacity of 500 megawatts.

FIGURE 10.48 Water turbines like this one can be deployed in rivers or tidal channels, where they generate renewable electrical energy but do not endanger fish or other aquatic organisms.
(Verdant Power/NREL)

Think About It

  1. How could hydroelectric power complement solar and wind power in an electrical power system?

  2. How are the impacts of hydroelectric systems on fish populations like those of wind generation on bird and bat populations? How are they different?


  3. How might the cumulative impacts of many run-of-the-river systems on a river equal or exceed the impacts of a few large systems?