Chapter 4: Review Questions


Question 1

1. Which represents the highest species diversity?

  1. 10 species with 1 abundant and 9 rare species

  2. 10 species, each equally abundant

  3. 5 species, each equally abundant

  4. 9 species but no estimates of relative abundance

Question 2

2. What produced biodiversity hotspots?

  1. Higher speciation rates

  2. Lower extinction rates

  3. Higher species immigration and speciation rates and lower extinction rates

  4. Higher species immigration rates

Question 3

3. How does an ecosystem engineer affect ecosystems?

  1. By altering the physical environment

  2. Through its predatory behavior

  3. Through its large size and abundance

  4. By competing with keystone species

Question 4

4. What life history characteristics make r-selected species good pioneer species?

  1. Large size

  2. High dispersal rates

  3. High competitive abilities

  4. Late maturity

Question 5

5. What is the approximate global value of ecosystem services?

  1. Equal to the annual gross product of China

  2. Equal to the annual gross product of the E.U.

  3. Equal to the annual gross product of the U.S.

  4. Nearly twice the total gross product of the globe

Question 6

6. Which of the following will likely support the fewest forest interior species?

  1. A small forest fragment near a large forest

  2. A large forest fragment far from a large forest

  3. A small forest fragment far from a large forest

  4. A large forest fragment near a large forest

Question 7

7. Invasive species can have which of the following impacts?

  1. Reduced river flows

  2. More frequent wildfires

  3. Extinctions of native species

  4. All of the above

Question 8

8. What is the main way that habitat corridors improve the functioning of protected areas?

  1. Provide convenient water sources during drought

  2. Promote the movement of individuals through protected areas

  3. Provide habitat for keystone species

  4. Increase rates of extinction among pests

Question 9

9. How can ecological succession affect management of protected areas?

  1. Once areas are protected, ecological succession does not influence protected areas.

  2. Management of protected areas is aimed at reducing disturbance and promoting succession.

  3. The effects of succession on management depend on the purpose of the protected area.

  4. In general, managers of protected areas attempt to suppress succession.

Question 10

10. Which policies will most likely secure a protected area over the long term?

  1. Strict isolation of the protected area from the surrounding community

  2. Restricting access to the protected area to professional scientists and students

  3. Allowing local communities unlimited access to the protected area

  4. Integrating management with the local community and providing direct economic benefits

Critical Analysis

Question 1

1. Are there any biomes (see Figures 4.3 and 4.6) underrepresented among biodiversity hotspots? Are there any that are overrepresented?

Question 2

2. What criteria should be used to decide where to establish protected areas? How large should protected areas be?

Question 3

3. How might the discoveries of Elinor Ostrom (see Chapter 2, page 54) be used to forge a sustainable relationship between protected areas and surrounding communities?

Question 4

4. How can a country balance forest conservation and economic development?

Question 5

5. Using Figure 4.13 as a guide, explain how the Yellowstone ecosystem is affected by the removal or addition of wolves.