Answer the following questions for each chapter section and then answer the Central Question.
What environmental factors influence variation in human population density?
How has the global population varied during human history?
What can you learn from age distributions?
How do fertility rates vary among countries and regions?
What are the variables used to calculate the Human Development Index?
What is the general relationship between development and environmental impact?
How do development differences affect immigration rates and destinations?
How have immigration policies affected populations around the world?
What is the relationship between human development and population characteristics?
How do we transition to sustainable human populations?
The issue of human population is a personal one, related to our own reproduction and how we conduct our lives. Now there is more urgency than ever, because it appears that we have already exceeded the long-
□Keep informed about the rapid pace of change.
Population issues around the world are in a period of dynamic change. Likewise, perspectives and ideas about these critical issues quickly become dated and irrelevant. Stay informed on human population and consumption issues by reading world news on population and sustainability—
□Support international educational programs.
Education is key to solving any problem, including problems related to the human population. Not only does education support the democratic process, but there is also a direct relationship between education and reduced fertility rates. You can support education by becoming a teacher yourself or by supporting the educational mission of the schools in your community. There are also opportunities to contribute to international education initiatives, for example, the Central Asia Institute, which has built more than 130 schools in Pakistan and Afghanistan that emphasize educating girls.
□Support developmental initiatives.
Development encourages reduced fertility rates and stabilized populations. Developmental efforts include initiatives to provide health care, improve economic infrastructure, or increase food production and availability. In the United States, there are many opportunities to help directly with development through programs such as the Peace Corps, a government-
□Make commitments in your personal life.
One of the most direct contributions that any of us can make is to adjust our personal lives to make them consistent with the goals of stabilized populations and sustainable resource use. If you have children or plan to, you may consider reproducing at a replacement rate of two children. Many tactics to reduce our personal ecological footprints are discussed in the chapters to come.