Answer the following questions for each chapter section and then answer the Central Question.
How does the hydrologic cycle move water around Earth?
What effect does the El Niño Southern Oscillation have on the hydrologic cycle?
How much water do humans require to live and should that be considered a basic human right?
How do humans use water and what are factors that affect water’s availability?
What is the current state of groundwater and what affects its availability?
How does managing water affect aquatic biodiversity?
What are some water conservation approaches and how do they affect water availability?
Where have water reclamation projects been implemented and what effect are they having?
How does desalination work and what are some prominent desalination projects?
What are some of the key ways in which water conservation can protect aquatic ecosystems?
Water is essential to our survival and well-
□Learn about water supply, consumption, and issues in your community.
Learn about your community water supply in detail. What is the source of water in your community? Is it mainly groundwater, surface water, or a fairly even mix of the two? How does water consumption in your community compare with other communities in your region and elsewhere across the country and world? What are the major water supply issues in your community? What are the major water supply issues in your region? If possible, tour the water treatment facilities in your community to learn about where the water you use goes and how it is treated.
□Actively support water conservation programs in your community.
As you inform yourself regarding water supply and infrastructure, you will build a foundation for becoming involved in local and regional water issues. As opportunities arise, you may lend your voice to initiatives designed to save water, such as water recycling, upgrading and maintenance of the community water distribution system, or planting of drought-
□Commit yourself to water conservation in your daily life.
Consider how you might conserve water in your everyday life. As a student, you may be able to find opportunities to encourage the installation of low-
□Become involved in river or wetland restoration.
Explore potential restoration opportunities with federal, state, or local agencies or with nongovernmental conservation organizations in your area. Your active participation in restoration as a volunteer will help reduce impacts on aquatic biodiversity as we supply water for human populations. It will also be an opportunity to explore key aspects of aquatic biodiversity firsthand.