Critical Analysis Question:
Exploring nature and solving complex problems are often important motivations for scientists choosing a career path. For those successful in obtaining a position in scientific research, what responsibilities come with the privilege of working in this highly competitive field?
To formulate your answer, first consider these additional thought questions:
1. Consider the daily research functions of a scientist. In this scenario, a scientist is attempting to collect air quality samples to be analyzed for various greenhouse gases. The scientist is excited to begin data collection and begins running the air samples through the sampling equipment, forgetting to calibrate the equipment first. Only after the fact, once all the samples were run, does the scientist remember that the equipment should have been calibrated first. If the scientist proceeds with the inclusion of these data in his research report, which of the following will occur? Select all that apply. | |
sloppy data collection | |
fabrication | |
deception | |
falsification | |
plagiarism |
2. Consider a scientist who is studying the rate of carbon dioxide uptake by plants during photosynthesis. The study is funded by a large petroleum company that is eager to get a tax break by demonstrating how they are offsetting their carbon output by growing plants that take in carbon and store it in their tissues. The scientist discovers that these plants only take in a small percentage of the company’s carbon output, well below the standard to earn the tax break; however, the scientist wants to continue to receive the funding and reports higher values of carbon dioxide removal by the plants. In this scenario, which of the following occur? Select all that apply. | |
deception | |
fabrication | |
plagiarism | |
falsification | |
sloppy data collection | |
conflict of interest |
Now we return to the original Critical Analysis Question: Exploring nature and solving complex problems are often important motivations for scientists choosing a career path. For those successful in obtaining a position in scientific research, what responsibilities come with the privilege of working in this highly competitive field?
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