Chapter 11. Critical Analysis Question


My Slide Activities
You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.

Critical Analysis Question:

How are DDT and mercury pollution similar? How are they different?

To formulate your answer, first consider these additional thought questions:

Questions 1 & 2

  1. Question 11.1

  2. Question 11.2


Questions 3 & 4

  1. Question 11.3

  2. Question 11.4

    Select all of the following statements that are false.
    xdqz80TY1Vwhogjf Both DDT and mercury have been shown to cause health impacts to humans.
    xdqz80TY1Vwhogjf Both DDT and mercury break down to other hazardous forms in the environment.
    nbIRnRe8R9/OaJB+ Both DDT and mercury primarily impact the aquatic food chain.
    nbIRnRe8R9/OaJB+ Both DDT and mercury are naturally occurring.
    ::They both have been shown to cause health impacts to humans.: DDT’s primary health impacts for humans are related to the nervous system, and it is a known endocrine disruptor. Mercury’s primary health effects are related to impacts on the central and peripheral nervous systems.::They both break down to other hazardous forms in the environment.: DDT breaks down in the environment to DDE and DDD, and both breakdown forms are considered hazardous to the environment and to humans. Mercury breaks down to another toxic compound, methylmercury, as a result of actions by anaerobic organisms that live in aquatic systems.::They both primarily impact the aquatic food chain.: Mercury, not DDT, primarily affects aquatic food chains.::They both are naturally occurring.: DDT does not occur naturally in the environment but is entirely made by humans. Mercury is found naturally occurring in rocks and soil, and it may be released during volcanic activity.
    4. Which of the following statements correctly summarize characteristics that DDT and mercury do not have in common?

Critical Analysis Question

Question 11.5


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