Critical Analysis Question:
Should the costs of the ecosystem services, such as air and water purification, impaired by strip mining and mountaintop mining be included in the cost of coal?
To formulate your answer, first consider these additional thought questions:
Which of the following are examples of ecosystem services? Select all that apply. | |
nbIRnRe8R9/OaJB+ | Soil development |
xdqz80TY1Vwhogjf | Erosion of riverbanks |
nbIRnRe8R9/OaJB+ | Air and water purification |
nbIRnRe8R9/OaJB+ | Climate regulation |
nbIRnRe8R9/OaJB+ | Pollination |
nbIRnRe8R9/OaJB+ | Oxygen production |
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