Cradle-To-Grave Analyses
Backstory: Each pollutant has a “history” in terms of where it originated, what mode of transportation is responsible (if the location has changed) for its movement, how it is related to the health of biological systems, and what mitigation operations may be used for its cleanup in the environment. This history is known as a “cradle to grave analysis” and is extremely helpful not only in identifying those responsible for the problem, and potentially those responsible for the cleanup costs, but also as an important predictor that may be used for the same pollutant in the future.
Activity: In this activity you will be using your detective skills to investigate a specific pollutant and establish a simple “cradle to grave” analysis. Using your own hometown (or perhaps your instructor will assign a local city, town or county) identify a specific pollutant of concern. This is easy enough these days by simply typing the location name followed by the word “pollution” into your favorite browser, searching for a “hit” of interest, and choosing a pollutant linked to the area that is also found in the two tables in this chapter (you may also want to use a recent news article or current event). Address the following points, which will help establish its local history.
Identify the media (air, water or soil) through which the pollutant is moved among locations.
Determine whether the pollutant can be traced back to a point or nonpoint source.
Use Tables 13.1 and 13.2 to determine the possible main sources, persistence, and health and environmental impacts of your chosen pollutant (these may also be answered using the information found on the website).
Where did the pollutant originate (agriculture, landfill, industry)? Is the source local, regional or at an even larger scale?
What do you feel would be the best method of remediation or mitigation? If no mitigation is required, what actions should be taken to alleviate further impacts on environmental or human health?
What do you believe the economic impacts might be to your town or county? (Think about tourism, lost work at local or regional businesses, health costs, etc.)
What changes could you make personally to help ameliorate the potential impacts of your pollutant?
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