Sounds Fishy
Backstory: The fishery industry has experienced world-wide declines in entire fish populations, especially in the highly fished northern Atlantic Ocean. As some of these fisheries began to collapse there was a determined move to obtain even greater yields of fish by increasing fishing efforts augmented by advances in new technologies. The times of an overabundance of fish is quickly coming to a close. As a result, aquaculture and mariculture is growing quickly in an attempt to offset the decrease in field populations and meet consumer demands.
Activity: This is an activity that can be done by the student or by the entire classroom. As some students may not eat much seafood, there are usually a few students that can share their information and knowledge with the entire class. In order to obtain harvesting data for the table below, you will need to use information that you can readily obtain at your local seafood grocer. The purpose of this activity is to get a better understanding of changes in fish availability in your geographic location and where each category is being harvested. Once you have completed the table address the following questions.
Quantity Bought/Week | Fresh or Frozen | Cost if Frozen | Cost if Fresh | Current Availability | Harvesting Location | |
Saltwater Fish | ||||||
Freshwater Fish | ||||||
Crabs and Lobster | ||||||
Shrimp | ||||||
Clams and Oysters |
Are any of the categories currently low in numbers and sustainability? Is there a difference between salt- and freshwater categories?
Are there any categories that provide choices based in aquaculture; that is, farm-raised? If all categories were available as farm-grown would you pay extra for them?
If any of your categories were frozen or canned at time of purchase, do you think that an additional expense may have been attached due to processing and/or shipping costs?
Are there any categories you could do without in order to ensure sustainability in the future?
Are there any categories you wish you could buy fresh but are simply unavailable due to your location?
According to older family members and/or friends, which categories have changed the most in terms of price? Which categories have changed with respect to availability?
Activity results are being submitted...