Graphing Tutorial: Pie Graphs Walkthrough
Pie charts are useful when the groups represented by the independent variable are all discrete categories (e.g. red, yellow, blue. . .) rather than a numerical sequence (e.g. 1,2,3. . .). In addition, the categories also represent all the subsets of a whole—all the category values add up to 100%. In other words, you have the entire pie!
- Click the green box to open a text box to set the title for your graph.
- Once you’ve entered your title, a blank pie chart will appear.
- On the right, two entry boxes will appear for you to add the categories and values to your pie chart.
- For ‘Category title’, add the name for the category (the type of water or water source).
- For ‘Value’, add a positive number. You can enter data until your remaining percent becomes 0.
- TIP: DO NOT include a percent sign (%) when you enter your value. It will interfere with the application.
- TIP:The limit of the number of category values is 20.
- TIP: System will not accept values that exceed 3 characters.
- TIP: The category title limit is 25 characters.
- TIP: The chart title limit is 45 characters.
- TIP: The sum of all input values should be less than or equal to 100.
- TIP: The ‘Clear’ button will clear your entire graph.
- TIP: You can only create one pie chart at a time.