
Chapter 1. Salmon Fisheries: Information Literacy

Video Case Study

In this activity you will watch the short video Salmon (2:22), produced by Canada’s CTV News Agency. In this report, journalist Steven Smart follows fisherman Tyrone McNeil as he searches for sockeye salmon on the Fraser River near the town of Hope, British Columbia. As McNeil explains, this way of life has grown increasingly difficult in recent years and Smart sets out to discover why this is the case.

In the questions that follow, you will be asked to analyze the content and presentation of the video in relation to information literacy, which is discussed in Chapter 3 of your textbook.


1. Watch the video.

2. Answer the following questions.


What environmental problem did the video highlight?


Select any of the factors listed below that the video highlighted as possible causes of this problem.

Warmer river temperatures
Increased water pollution in the lower Fraser River
Lower survival rates of reproductively mature fish in the open ocean
Dams place on the main trunk of the Fraser River
Mismanagement by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans
Overfishing by river fishermen like Tyrone McNeil


1. Watch the video.

2. As you watch, note the answers to the following questions, focusing on the types of images that were presented.


This video presented viewers with a number of images during its brief duration (2:22). In the spaces provided, place the following categories of images from the video in rank order, with 1 representing the category most commonly shown and 5 representing the category least commonly shown in the video.

Factors Rank Order
Video footage of Tyrone McNeil piloting his boat and fishing on the Fraser River
Interview footage with a Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) spokesperson
Interview footage with Tyrone McNeil
Video footage of reporter Steven Smart speaking to the camera
Video footage of children helping to put salmon in jars at a riverside campsite


Give two examples of how images in the video were used to reinforce the message being delivered by reporter Steven Smart in his voice-over commentary


Overall, did the video’s use of images effectively reinforce the existence and significance of the environmental problem identified in Section A? Why or why not?


1. If necessary, watch the video a third time.

2. This time concentrate on the information and content, and then answer the following questions:


Choose "Yes" or "No" in response to the following questions:

Question Yes or No?
Did the video present evidence to support the assertion that sockeye salmon are returning to the Fraser River in “dismally low numbers”?
Did the video explain the role that the DFO, as a branch of the Canadian federal government, plays in regulating the fishing industry in Canada?
Did the video explain why the DFO lowered its estimates of the number of sockeye salmon expected to return to the river that summer (2009)?
Did the video present evidence to demonstrate that the Fraser River is “at near record high water temperatures”?
Did the video explain why such high temperatures might adversely affect the return of sockeye salmon?
Did the video explain how salmon returns can be affected by “marine survival out in the ocean” and by “fresh water conditions”?
Did the video present evidence to support the assertion that sockeye salmon numbers have dropped from, on average, 100 million fish to 10 million fish over the last century?
Did the video explain how the DFO have “mismanaged” the salmon fishery in British Columbia?
Did the video present evidence to demonstrate that such mismanagement has occurred?


Add up the number of “No” answers you recorded for questions ‘a’ through ‘i’ and record your score out of nine here.


Based on your score above, do you think that the video provided enough evidence so that viewers with little or no background knowledge on this issue could fully understand the situation? Justify your answer.

Having viewed the video clip and focused on information literacy, now read the following article.

"Time to Stop Worrying about Invasive Species?" by Karen Hopkin in Scientific American, Wednesday, June 8, 2011


What kinds of images are you shown most frequently in this video? Check the boxes next to your choices, or type your own in the box for "Other."

Are all alien species invasive?
Are all native species non-invasive?
Can alien species enhance biodiversity?


How should we assess the impacts of alien and native species?


How can we prevent the impacts of potentially invasive species?

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