I have taught botany and then Biology II for over 20 years and have been very frustrated when I have realized how little knowledge students retained. Since we have gone to this textbook, I find that the questions students are asking in class are much more probing than those in the past, and the students seem much more engaged in the topics. I am hopeful that this approach will help our students be deeper thinkers and better scientists.
– GLORIA CADDELL, University of Central Oklahoma
One of the things that really sold me on this text was the LaunchPad system: easy to use; intuitive navigation; really good questions that match the sophistication of the text; love the LearningCurve activities; use most of the animations in my lectures!
– SARA CARLSON, University of Akron
This is the best set of questions I’ve ever seen in a textbook. They are thorough and the right mix of challenging the student with requiring memorization of important details.
– KURT ELLIOT, Northwest Vista College
We have all seen an improvement in our students’ understanding of the material this year, the first year that we used the Morris text.
– ANUPAMA SESHAN, Emmanuel College
I like the figures, especially the 3D ones — we focus on “perceptual ability” training in our classes and figures that encourage students to think about cells in 3D are excellent!
– KIRKWOOD LAND, University of the Pacific
These chapters all seem to draw students through the course by referencing what they have learned previously and then adding new information. This makes the course seem like a complete story instead of a series of encyclopedia entries to be learned in isolation.
– TIM KROFT, Auburn University at Montgomery
We used this book last year and overall felt that it represented a major improvement from our previous text.
– PETER ARMBRUSTER, Georgetown University
Good questions are just as important as a good textbook. The available variety of assessment tools was very important for our adoption of this text.
– MATTHEW BREWER, Georgia State University
If the whole book reads like this I would love to use it! This is the way I like to teach! I want students to understand rather than memorize and this chapter seems aimed at this.
– JENNIFER SCHRAMM, Chemeketa Community College
The artwork seems very clear-
– CHRIS PETRIE, Eastern Florida State College
The writing style is excellent, it makes a great narrative and incorporates key scientific experiments into the explanation of photosynthesis.
– DIANNE JENNING, Virginia Commonwealth University
I think HLW does a better job of presenting introductory material than our current text, which tends to overwhelm students.
– LAURA HILL, University of Vermont
With the quick checks and the experiments the first chapter already has the learners thinking about experiments and critical analysis.
– JOHN KOONTZ, University of Tennessee Knoxville
This book moves teaching away from merely understanding all of the bold terms in a textbook in order to spit them back on a multiple-
– PAUL MOORE, Bowling Green State University
Biology: How Life Works is not only a book. Instead, it is an integrated set of resources to support student learning and instructor teaching in introductory biology. As a result, we work closely with an entire community of authors, publishers, instructors, reviewers, and students. We would like to thank this dedicated group.
First and foremost, we thank the thousands of students we have collectively taught. Their curiosity, intelligence, and enthusiasm have been sources of motivation for all of us.
Our teachers and mentors have provided us with models of patience, creativity, and inquisitiveness that we strive to bring into our own teaching and research. They encourage us to be life-
We feel very lucky to be a partner with W. H. Freeman and Macmillan Learning. From the start, they have embraced our project, giving us the space and room to achieve something unique, while at the same time providing guidance, support, and input from the broader community of instructors and students.
Beth Cole, our acquisitions editor, deserves thanks for taking on the second edition and becoming our leader. She keeps a watchful eye on important trends in science, education, and technology, carefully listens to what we want to do, and helps us put our aspirations in a larger context.
Lead developmental editor Lisa Samols continues to have just the right touch—
Karen Misler kept us all on schedule in a clear and firm but always understanding and compassionate way.
Lindsey Jaroszewicz, our market development manager, is remarkable for her energy and enthusiasm, her attention to detail, and her creativity in ways to reach out to instructors and students. Will Moore, our marketing manager, refined the story of How Life Works 2e and works tirelessly with our sales teams to bring the second edition to instructors and students everywhere.
We thank Robert Errera for coordinating the move from manuscript to the page, and Nancy Brooks for helping to even out the prose. We also thank Diana Blume, our design director, Tom Carling, our text and cover designer, and Sheridan Sellers, our compositor. Together, they managed the look and feel of the book, coming up with creative solutions for page layout.
In digital media, we thank Amanda Nietzel for her editorial insight in making pedagogically useful media tools, and Keri deManigold and Chris Efstratiou for managing and coordinating the media and websites. They each took on this project with dedication, persistence, enthusiasm, and attention to detail that we deeply appreciate.
We are extremely grateful to Elaine Palucki for her insight into teaching and learning strategies, Donna Brodman for coordinating the many reviewers, and Jane Taylor, Alexandra Garrett, and Abigail Fagan for their consistent and tireless support.
Imagineering under the patient and intelligent guidance of Mark Mykytuik provided creative, insightful art to complement, support, and reinforce the text. We also thank our illustration coordinator, Matt McAdams, for skillfully guiding our collaboration with Imagineering. Christine Buese, our photo editor, and Lisa Passmore and Richard Fox, our photo researchers, provided us with a steady stream of stunning photos, and never gave up on those hard-
We would also like to acknowledge Kate Parker, Publisher of Sciences, Chuck Linsmeier, Vice President of Editorial, Susan Winslow, Managing Director, and Ken Michaels, Chief Executive Officer, for their support of How Life Works and our unique approach.
We also sincerely thank Erin Betters, Jere A. Boudell, Donna Koslowsky, and Jon Stoltzfus for thoughtful and insightful contributions to the assessment materials.
We are extremely grateful for all of the hard work and expertise of the sales representatives, regional managers, and regional sales specialists. We have enjoyed meeting and working with this dedicated sales staff, who are the ones that ultimately put the book in the hands of instructors.
Countless reviewers made invaluable contributions to this book and deserve special thanks. From catching mistakes to suggesting new and innovative ways to organize the content, they provided substantial input to the book. They brought their collective years of teaching to the project, and their suggestions are tangible in every chapter.
Finally, we would like to thank our families. None of this would have been possible without their support, inspiration, and encouragement.
Contributors, First Edition
Thank you to all the instructors who worked in collaboration with the authors and assessment authors to write Biology: How Life Works assessments, activities, and exercises.
Allison Alvarado, University of California, Los Angeles
Peter Armbruster, Georgetown University
Zane Barlow-
James Bottesch, Brevard Community College
Jessamina Blum, Yale University
Jere Boudell, Clayton State University
David Bos, Purdue University
Laura Ciaccia West, Yale University*
Laura DiCaprio, Ohio University
Tod Duncan, University of Colorado, Denver
Cindy Giffen, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Paul Greenwood, Colby College
Stanley Guffey, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Alison Hill, Duke University
Meg Horton, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Kerry Kilburn, Old Dominion University
Jo Kurdziel, University of Michigan
David Lampe, Duquesne University
Brenda Leady, University of Toledo
Sara Marlatt, Yale University*
Kelly McLaughlin, Tufts University
Brad Mehrtens, University of Illinois at Urbana-
Nancy Morvillo, Florida Southern College
Jennifer Nauen, University of Delaware
Kavita Oommen, Georgia State University
Patricia Phelps, Austin Community College
Melissa Reedy, University of Illinois at Urbana-
Lindsay Rush, Yale University*
Sukanya Subramanian, Collin College
Michelle Withers, West Virginia University
Reviewers, Class Testers, and Focus Group Participants
Thank you to all the instructors who reviewed and/or class tested chapters, art, assessment questions, and other Biology: How Life Works materials.
First Edition
Thomas Abbott, University of Connecticut
Tamarah Adair, Baylor University
Sandra Adams, Montclair State University
Jonathon Akin, University of Connecticut
Eddie Alford, Arizona State University
Chris Allen, College of the Mainland
Sylvester Allred, Northern Arizona University
Shivanthi Anandan, Drexel University
Andrew Andres, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Michael Angilletta, Arizona State University
Jonathan Armbruster, Auburn University
Jessica Armenta, Lone Star College System
Brian Ashburner, University of Toledo
Andrea Aspbury, Texas State University
Nevin Aspinwall, Saint Louis University
Felicitas Avendano, Grand View University
Yael Avissar, Rhode Island College
Ricardo Azpiroz, Richland College
Jessica Baack, Southwestern Illinois College
Charles Baer, University of Florida
Brian Bagatto, University of Akron
Alan L. Baker, University of New Hampshire
Ellen Baker, Santa Monica College
Mitchell Balish, Miami University
Teri Balser, University of Florida
Paul Bates, University of Minnesota, Duluth
Michel Baudry, University of Southern California
Jerome Baudry, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Mike Beach, Southern Polytechnic State University
Andrew Beall, University of North Florida
Gregory Beaulieu, University of Victoria
John Bell, Brigham Young University
Michael Bell, Richland College
Rebecca Bellone, University of ?Tampa
Anne Bergey, Truman State University
Laura Bermingham, University of Vermont
Aimee Bernard, University of Colorado, Denver
Annalisa Berta, San Diego State University
Joydeep Bhattacharjee, University of Louisiana, Monroe
Arlene Billock, University of Louisiana, Lafayette
Daniel Blackburn, Trinity College
Mark Blackmore, Valdosta State University
Justin Blau, New York University
Andrew Blaustein, Oregon State University
Mary Bober, Santa Monica College
Robert Bohanan, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Jim Bonacum, University of Illinois at Springfield
Laurie Bonneau, Trinity College
David Bos, Purdue University
James Bottesch, Brevard Community College
Jere Boudell, Clayton State University
Nancy Boury, Iowa State University
Matthew Brewer, Georgia State University
Mirjana Brockett, Georgia Institute of Technology
Andrew Brower, Middle Tennessee State University
Heather Bruns, Ball State University
Jill Buettner, Richland College
Stephen Burnett, Clayton State University
Steve Bush, Coastal Carolina University
David Byres, Florida State College at Jacksonville
James Campanella, Montclair State University
Darlene Campbell, Cornell University
Jennifer Campbell, North Carolina State University
John Campbell, Northwest College
David Canning, Murray State University
Richard Cardullo, University of California, Riverside
Sara Carlson, University of Akron
Jeff Carmichael, University of North Dakota
Dale Casamatta, University of North Florida
Anne Casper, Eastern Michigan University
David Champlin, University of Southern Maine
Rebekah Chapman, Georgia State University
Samantha Chapman, Villanova University
Mark Chappell, University of California, Riverside
P. Bryant Chase, Florida State University
Young Cho, Eastern New Mexico University
Tim Christensen, East Carolina University
Steven Clark, University of Michigan
Ethan Clotfelter, Amherst College
Catharina Coenen, Allegheny College
Mary Colavito, Santa Monica College
Craig Coleman, Brigham Young University
Alex Collier, Armstrong Atlantic State University
Sharon Collinge, University of Colorado, Boulder
Jay Comeaux, McNeese State University
Reid Compton, University of Maryland
Ronald Cooper, University of California, Los Angeles
Victoria Corbin, University of Kansas
Asaph Cousins, Washington State University
Will Crampton, University of Central Florida
Kathryn Craven, Armstrong Atlantic State University
Scott Crousillac, Louisiana State University
Kelly Cude, College of the Canyons
Stanley Cunningham, Arizona State University
Karen Curto, University of Pittsburgh
Bruce Cushing, The University of Akron
Rebekka Darner, University of Florida
James Dawson, Pittsburg State University
Elizabeth De Stasio, Lawrence University
Jennifer Dechaine, Central Washington University
James Demastes, University of Northern Iowa
D. Michael Denbow, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Joseph Dent, McGill University
Terry Derting, Murray State University
Jean DeSaix, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Donald Deters, Bowling Green State University
Hudson DeYoe, The University of Texas, Pan American
Leif Deyrup, University of the Cumberlands
Laura DiCaprio, Ohio University
Jesse Dillon, California State University, Long Beach
Frank Dirrigl, The University of Texas, Pan American
Kevin Dixon, Florida State University
Elaine Dodge Lynch, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Hartmut Doebel, George Washington University
Jennifer Doll, Loyola University, Chicago
Logan Donaldson, York University
Blaise Dondji, Central Washington University
Christine Donmoyer, Allegheny College
James Dooley, Adelphi University
Jennifer Doudna, University of California, Berkeley
John DuBois, Middle Tennessee State University
Richard Duhrkopf, Baylor University
Kamal Dulai, University of California, Merced
Arthur Dunham, University of Pennsylvania
Mary Durant, Lone Star College System
Roland Dute, Auburn University
Andy Dyer, University of South Carolina, Aiken
William Edwards, Niagara University
John Elder, Valdosta State University
William Eldred, Boston University
David Eldridge, Baylor University
Inge Eley, Hudson Valley Community College
Lisa Elfring, University of Arizona
Richard Elinson, Duquesne University
Kurt Elliott, Northwest Vista College
Miles Engell, North Carolina State University
Susan Erster, Stony Brook University
Joseph Esdin, University of California, Los Angeles
Jean Everett, College of Charleston
Brent Ewers, University of Wyoming
Melanie Fierro, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Michael Fine, Virginia Commonwealth University
Jonathan Fingerut, St. Joseph’s University
Ryan Fisher, Salem State University
David Fitch, New York University
Paul Fitzgerald, Northern Virginia Community College
Jason Flores, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Matthias Foellmer, Adelphi University
Barbara Frase, Bradley University
Caitlin Gabor, Texas State University
Michael Gaines, University of Miami
Jane Gallagher, The City College of New York, The City University of New York
Kathryn Gardner, Boston University
J. Yvette Gardner, Clayton State University
Gillian Gass, Dalhousie University
Jason Gee, East Carolina University
Topher Gee, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Vaughn Gehle, Southwest Minnesota State University
Tom Gehring, Central Michigan University
John Geiser, Western Michigan University
Alex Georgakilas, East Carolina University
Peter Germroth, Hillsborough Community College
Arundhati Ghosh, University of Pittsburgh
Carol Gibbons Kroeker, University of Calgary
Phil Gibson, University of Oklahoma
Cindee Giffen, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Matthew Gilg, University of North Florida
Sharon Gillies, University of the Fraser Valley
Leonard Ginsberg, Western Michigan University
Florence Gleason, University of Minnesota
Russ Goddard, Valdosta State University
Miriam Golbert, College of the Canyons
Jessica Goldstein, Barnard College, Columbia University
Steven Gorsich, Central Michigan University
Sandra Grebe, Lone Star College System
Robert Greene, Niagara University
Ann Grens, Indiana University, South Bend
Theresa Grove, Valdosta State University
Stanley Guffey, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Nancy Guild, University of Colorado, Boulder
Lonnie Guralnick, Roger Williams University
Laura Hake, Boston College
Kimberly Hammond, University of California, Riverside
Paul Hapeman, University of Florida
Luke Harmon, University of Idaho
Sally Harmych, University of Toledo
Jacob Harney, University of Hartford
Sherry Harrel, Eastern Kentucky University
Dale Harrington, Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute
J. Scott Harrison, Georgia Southern University
Diane Hartman, Baylor University
Mary Haskins, Rockhurst University
Bernard Hauser, University of Florida
David Haymer, University of Hawaii
David Hearn, Towson University
Marshal Hedin, San Diego State University
Paul Heideman, College of William and Mary
Gary Heisermann, Salem State University
Brian Helmuth, University of South Carolina
Christopher Herlihy, Middle Tennessee State University
Albert Herrera, University of Southern California
Brad Hersh, Allegheny College
David Hicks, The University of Texas at Brownsville
Karen Hicks, Kenyon College
Alison Hill, Duke University
Kendra Hill, South Dakota State University
Jay Hodgson, Armstrong Atlantic State University
John Hoffman, Arcadia University
Jill Holliday, University of Florida
Sara Hoot, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Margaret Horton, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Lynne Houck, Oregon State University
Kelly Howe, University of New Mexico
William Huddleston, University of Calgary
Jodi Huggenvik, Southern Illinois University
Melissa Hughes, College of Charleston
Randy Hunt, Indiana University Southeast
Tony Huntley, Saddleback College
Brian Hyatt, Bethel College
Jeba Inbarasu, Metropolitan Community College
Colin Jackson, The University of Mississippi
Eric Jellen, Brigham Young University
Dianne Jennings, Virginia Commonwealth University
Scott Johnson, Wake Technical Community College
Mark Johnston, Dalhousie University
Susan Jorstad, University of Arizona
Stephen Juris, Central Michigan University
Julie Kang, University of Northern Iowa
Jonghoon Kang, Valdosta State University
George Karleskint, St. Louis Community College at Meramec
David Karowe, Western Michigan University
Judy Kaufman, Monroe Community College
Nancy Kaufmann, University of Pittsburgh
Ramneet Kaur, Georgia Gwinett College
John Kauwe, Brigham Young University
Elena Keeling, California Polytechnic State University
Jill Keeney, Juniata College
Tamara Kelly, York University
Chris Kennedy, Simon Fraser University
Bretton Kent, University of Maryland
Jake Kerby, University of South Dakota
Jeffrey Kiggins, Monroe Community College
Scott Kight, Montclair State University
Stephen Kilpatrick, University of Pittsburgh, Johnstown
Kelly Kissane, University of Nevada, Reno
David Kittlesen, University of Virginia
Jennifer Kneafsey, Tulsa Community College
Jennifer Knight, University of Colorado, Boulder
Ross Koning, Eastern Connecticut State University
David Kooyman, Brigham Young University
Olga Kopp, Utah Valley University
Anna Koshy, Houston Community College
Todd Kostman, University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh
Peter Kourtev, Central Michigan University
William Kroll, Loyola University, Chicago
Dave Kubien, University of New Brunswick
Allen Kurta, Eastern Michigan University
Ellen Lamb, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Troy Ladine, East Texas Baptist University
David Lampe, Duquesne University
Evan Lampert, Gainesville State College
James Langeland, Kalamazoo College
John Latto, University of California, Santa Barbara
Brenda Leady, University of Toledo
Jennifer Leavey, Georgia Institute of Technology
Hugh Lefcort, Gonzaga University
Brenda Leicht, University of Iowa
Craig Lending, The College at Brockport, The State University of New York
Nathan Lents, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, The City University of New York
Michael Leonardo, Coe College
Army Lester, Kennesaw State University
Cynthia Littlejohn, University of Southern Mississippi
Zhiming Liu, Eastern New Mexico University
Jonathan Lochamy, Georgia Perimeter College
Suzanne Long, Monroe Community College
Julia Loreth, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Jennifer Louten, Southern Polytechnic State University
Janet Loxterman, Idaho State University
Ford Lux, Metropolitan State College of Denver
José-Luis Machado, Swarthmore College
C. Smoot Major, University of South Alabama
Charles Mallery, University of Miami
Mark Maloney, Spelman College
Carroll Mann, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Carol Mapes, Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
Nilo Marin, Broward College
Diane Marshall, University of New Mexico
Heather Masonjones, University of Tampa
Scott Mateer, Armstrong Atlantic State University
Luciano Matzkin, The University of Alabama in Huntsville
Robert Maxwell, Georgia State University
Meghan May, Towson University
Michael McGinnis, Spelman College
Kathleen McGuire, San Diego State University
Maureen McHale, Truman State University
Shannon McQuaig, St. Petersburg College
Susan McRae, East Carolina University
Lori McRae, University of Tampa
Mark Meade, Jacksonville State University
Brad Mehrtens, University of Illinois at Urbana-
Michael Meighan, University of California, Berkeley
Douglas Meikle, Miami University
Richard Merritt, Houston Community College
Jennifer Metzler, Ball State University
James Mickle, North Carolina State University
Brian Miller, Middle Tennessee State University
Allison Miller, Saint Louis University
Yuko Miyamoto, Elon University
Ivona Mladenovic, Simon Fraser University
Marcie Moehnke, Baylor University
Chad Montgomery, Truman State University
Jennifer Mook, Gainesville State College
Daniel Moon, University of North Florida
Jamie Moon, University of North Florida
Jeanelle Morgan, Gainesville State College
David Morgan, University of West Georgia
Julie Morris, Armstrong Atlantic State University
Becky Morrow, Duquesne University
Mark Mort, University of Kansas
Nancy Morvillo, Florida Southern College
Anthony Moss, Auburn University
Mario Mota, University of Central Florida
Alexander Motten, Duke University
Tim Mulkey, Indiana State University
John Mull, Weber State University
Michael Muller, University of Illinois at Chicago
Beth Mullin, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Paul Narguizian, California State University, Los Angeles
Jennifer Nauen, University of Delaware
Paul Nealen, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Diana Nemergut, University of Colorado, Boulder
Kathryn Nette, Cuyamaca College
Jacalyn Newman, University of Pittsburgh
James Nienow, Valdosta State University
Alexey Nikitin, Grand Valley State University
Tanya Noel, York University
Fran Norflus, Clayton State University
Celia Norman, Arapahoe Community College
Eric Norstrom, DePaul University
Jorge Obeso, Miami Dade College
Kavita Oommen, Georgia State University
David Oppenheimer, University of Florida
Joseph Orkwiszewski, Villanova University?
Rebecca Orr, Collin College
Don Padgett, Bridgewater State College
Joanna Padolina, Virginia Commonwealth University
One Pagan, West Chester University
Kathleen Page, Bucknell University
Daniel Papaj, University of Arizona
Pamela Pape-
Bruce Patterson, University of Arizona, Tucson
Shelley Penrod, Lone Star College System
Roger Persell, Hunter College, The City University of New York
John Peters, College of Charleston
Chris Petrie, Brevard Community College
Patricia Phelps, Austin Community College
Steven Phelps, The University of Texas at Austin
Kristin Picardo, St. John Fisher College
Aaron Pierce, Nicholls State University
Debra Pires, University of California, Los Angeles
Thomas Pitzer, Florida International University
Nicola Plowes, Arizona State University
Crima Pogge, City College of San Francisco
Darren Pollock, Eastern New Mexico University
Kenneth Pruitt, The University of Texas at Brownsville
Sonja Pyott, University of North Carolina at Wilmington
Rajinder Ranu, Colorado State University
Philip Rea, University of Pennsylvania
Amy Reber, Georgia State University
Ahnya Redman, West Virginia University
Melissa Reedy, University of Illinois at Urbana-
Brian Ring, Valdosta State University
David Rintoul, Kansas State University
Michael Rischbieter, Presbyterian College
Laurel Roberts, University of Pittsburgh
George Robinson, The University at Albany, The State University of New York
Peggy Rolfsen, Cincinnati State Technical and Community College
Mike Rosenzweig, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Doug Rouse, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Yelena Rudayeva, Palm Beach State College
Ann Rushing, Baylor University
Shereen Sabet, La Sierra University
Rebecca Safran, University of Colorado
Peter Sakaris, Southern Polytechnic State University
Thomas Sasek, University of Louisiana, Monroe
Udo Savalli, Arizona State University
H. Jochen Schenk, California State University, Fullerton
Gregory Schmaltz, University of the Fraser Valley
Jean Schmidt, University of Pittsburgh
Andrew Schnabel, Indiana University, South Bend
Roxann Schroeder, Humboldt State University
David Schultz, University of Missouri, Columbia
Andrea Schwarzbach, The University of Texas at Brownsville
Erik Scully, Towson University
Robert Seagull, Hofstra University
Pramila Sen, Houston Community College
Alice Sessions, Austin Community College
Vijay Setaluri, University of Wisconsin
Jyotsna Sharma, The University of Texas at San Antonio
Elizabeth Sharpe-
Patty Shields, University of Maryland
Cara Shillington, Eastern Michigan University
James Shinkle, Trinity University
Rebecca Shipe, University of California, Los Angeles
Marcia Shofner, University of Maryland
Laurie Shornick, Saint Louis University
Jill Sible, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Allison Silveus, Tarrant County College
Kristin Simokat, University of Idaho
Sue Simon-
Sedonia Sipes, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
John Skillman, California State University, San Bernardino
Marek Sliwinski, University of Northern Iowa
Felisa Smith, University of New Mexico
John Sollinger, Southern Oregon University
Scott Solomon, Rice University
Morvarid Soltani-
Vladimir Spiegelman, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Chrissy Spencer, Georgia Institute of Technology
Kathryn Spilios, Boston University
Ashley Spring, Brevard Community College
Bruce Stallsmith, The University of Alabama in Huntsville
Jennifer Stanford, Drexel University
Barbara Stegenga, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Patricia Steinke, San Jacinto College, Central Campus
Asha Stephens, College of the Mainland
Robert Steven, University of Toledo
Eric Strauss, University of Wisconsin, La Crosse
Sukanya Subramanian, Collin College
Mark Sugalski, Southern Polytechnic State University
Brad Swanson, Central Michigan University
Ken Sweat, Arizona State University
David Tam, University of North Texas
Ignatius Tan, New York University
William Taylor, University of Toledo
Christine Terry, Lynchburg College
Sharon Thoma, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Pamela Thomas, University of Central Florida
Carol Thornber, University of Rhode Island
Patrick Thorpe, Grand Valley State University
Briana Timmerman, University of South Carolina
Chris Todd, University of Saskatchewan
Gail Tompkins, Wake Technical Community College
Martin Tracey, Florida International University
Randall Tracy, Worcester State University
James Traniello, Boston University
Bibit Traut, City College of San Francisco
Terry Trier, Grand Valley State University
Stephen Trumble, Baylor University
Jan Trybula, The State University of New York at Potsdam
Alexa Tullis, University of Puget Sound
Marsha Turell, Houston Community College
Mary Tyler, University of Maine
Marcel van Tuinen, University of North Carolina at Wilmington
Dirk Vanderklein, Montclair State University
Jorge Vasquez-
William Velhagen, New York University
Dennis Venema, Trinity Western University
Laura Vogel, North Carolina State University
Jyoti Wagle, Houston Community College
Jeff Walker, University of Southern Maine
Gary Walker, Appalachian State University
Andrea Ward, Adelphi University
Fred Wasserman, Boston University
Elizabeth Waters, San Diego State University
Douglas Watson, The University of Alabama at Birmingham
Matthew Weand, Southern Polytechnic State University
Michael Weber, Carleton University
Cindy Wedig, The University of Texas, Pan American
Brad Wetherbee, University of Rhode Island
Debbie Wheeler, University of the Fraser Valley
Clay White, Lone Star College System
Lisa Whitenack, Allegheny College
Maggie Whitson, Northern Kentucky University
Stacey Wild East, Tennessee State University
Herbert Wildey, Arizona State University and Phoenix College
David Wilkes, Indiana University, South Bend
Lisa Williams, Northern Virginia Community College
Elizabeth Willott, University of Arizona
Mark Wilson, Humboldt State University
Ken Wilson, University of Saskatchewan
Bob Winning, Eastern Michigan University
Candace Winstead, California Polytechnic State University
Robert Wise, University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh
D. Reid Wiseman, College of Charleston
MaryJo Witz, Monroe Community College
David Wolfe, American River College
Kevin Woo, University of Central Florida
Denise Woodward, Penn State
Shawn Wright, Central New Mexico Community College
Grace Wyngaard, James Madison University
Aimee Wyrick, Pacific Union College
Joanna Wysocka-
Ken Yasukawa, Beloit College
John Yoder, The University of Alabama
Kelly Young, California State University, Long Beach
James Yount, Brevard Community College
Min Zhong, Auburn University
Second Edition
Barbara J. Abraham, Hampton University
Jason Adams, College of DuPage
Sandra D. Adams, Montclair State University
Richard Adler, University of Michigan, Dearborn
Nancy Aguilar-
Shivanthi Anandan, Drexel University
Lynn Anderson-
Christine Andrews, The University of Chicago
Peter Armbruster, Georgetown University
Jessica Armenta, Austin Community College
Brian Ashburner, University of Toledo
Ann J. Auman, Pacific Lutheran University
Nicanor Austriaco, Providence College
Felicitas Avendano, Grand View University
J. P. Avery, University of North Florida
Jim Bader, Case Western Reserve University
Ellen Baker, Santa Monica College
Andrew S. Baldwin, Mesa Community College
Stephen Baron, Bridgewater College
Paul W. Bates, University of Minnesota, Duluth
Janet Batzli, University of Wisconsin, Madison
David Baum, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Kevin S. Beach, The University of Tampa
Philip Becraft, Iowa State University
Alexandra Bely, University of Maryland
Lauryn Benedict, University of Northern Colorado
Anne Bergey, Truman State University
Joydeep Bhattacharjee, University of Louisiana, Monroe
Todd Bishop, Dalhousie University
Catherine Black, Idaho State University
Andrew R. Blaustein, Oregon State University
James Bolton, Georgia Gwinnett College
Jim Bonacum, University of Illinois at Springfield
Laurie J. Bonneau, Trinity College
James Bottesch, Eastern Florida State College
Lisa Boucher, The University of Texas at Austin
Nicole Bournias-
Nancy Boury, Iowa State University
Matthew Brewer, Georgia State University
Christoper G. Brown, Georgia Gwinnett College
Jill Buettner, Richland College
Sharon K. Bullock, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Lisa Burgess, Broward College
Jorge Busciglio, University of California, Irvine
Stephen Bush, Coastal Carolina University
David Byres, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Gloria Caddell, University of Central Oklahoma
Guy A. Caldwell, The University of Alabama
Kim A. Caldwell, The University of Alabama
John S. Campbell, Northwest College
Jennifer Capers, Indian River State College
Joel Carlin, Gustavus Adolphus College
Sara G. Carlson, University of Akron
Dale Casamatta, University of North Florida
Merri Lynn Casem, California State University, Fullerton
Anne Casper, Eastern Michigan University
David Champlin, University of Southern Maine
Rebekah Chapman, Georgia State University
P. Bryant Chase, Florida State University
Thomas T. Chen, Santa Monica College
Young Cho, Eastern New Mexico University
Sunita Chowrira, University of British Columbia
Tim W. Christensen, East Carolina University
Steven Clark, University of Michigan
Beth Cliffel, Triton College
Liane Cochran-
John G. Cogan, The Ohio State University
Reid Compton, University of Maryland
Ronald H. Cooper, University of California, Los Angeles
Janice Countaway, University of Central Oklahoma
Joseph A. Covi, University of North Carolina at Wilmington
Will Crampton, University of Central Florida
Kathryn Craven, Armstrong State University
Lorelei Crerar, George Mason University
Kerry Cresawn, James Madison University
Richard J. Cristiano, Houston Community College Northwest
Cynthia K. Damer, Central Michigan University
David Dansereau, Saint Mary’s University
Mark Davis, Macalester College
Elizabeth A. De Stasio, Lawrence University
Tracy Deem, Bridgewater College
Kimberley Dej, McMaster University
Terrence Delaney, University of Vermont
Tracie Delgado, Northwest University
Mark S. Demarest, University of North Texas
D. Michael Denbow, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Jonathan Dennis, Florida State University
Brandon S. Diamond, University of Miami
AnnMarie DiLorenzo, Montclair State University
Frank J. Dirrigl, Jr., University of Texas, Pan American
Christine Donmoyer, Allegheny College
Samuel Douglas, Angelina College
John D. DuBois, Middle Tennessee State University
Janet Duerr, Ohio University
Meghan Duffy, University of Michigan
Richard E. Duhrkopf, Baylor University
Jacquelyn Duke, Baylor University
Kamal Dulai, University of California, Merced
Rebecca K. Dunn, Boston College
Jacob Egge, Pacific Lutheran University
Kurt J. Elliott, Northwest Vista College
Miles Dean Engell, North Carolina State University
Susan Erster, Stony Brook University
Barbara I. Evans, Lake Superior State University
Lisa Felzien, Rockhurst University
Ralph Feuer, San Diego State University
Ginger R. Fisher, University of Northern Colorado
John Flaspohler, Concordia College
Sam Flaxman, University of Colorado, Boulder
Nancy Flood, Thompson Rivers University
Arthur Frampton, University of North Carolina at Wilmington
Caitlin Gabor, Texas State University
Tracy Galarowicz, Central Michigan University
Raul Galvan, South Texas College
Deborah Garrity, Colorado State University
Jason Mitchell Gee, East Carolina University
T.M. Gehring, Central Michigan University
John Geiser, Western Michigan University
Carol A. Gibbons Kroeker, Ambrose University
Susan A. Gibson, South Dakota State University
Cynthia J. Giffen, University of Michigan
Matthew Gilg, University of North Florida
Sharon L. Gillies, University of the Fraser Valley
Leslie Goertzen, Auburn University
Marla Gomez, Nicholls State University
Steven Gorsich, Central Michigan University
Daniel Graetzer, Northwest University
James Grant, Concordia University
Linda E. Green, Georgia Institute of Technology
Sara Gremillion, Armstrong State University
Ann Grens, Indiana University, South Bend
John L. Griffis, Joliet Junior College
Nancy A. Guild, University of Colorado, Boulder
Lonnie Guralnick, Roger Williams University
Valerie K. Haftel, Morehouse College
Margaret Hanes, Eastern Michigan University
Sally E. Harmych, University of Toledo
Sherry Harrel, Eastern Kentucky University
J. Scott Harrison, Georgia Southern University
Pat Harrison, University of the Fraser Valley
Diane Hartman, Baylor University
Wayne Hatch, Utah State University Eastern
David Haymer, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Chris Haynes, Shelton State Community College
Christiane Healey, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
David Hearn, Towson University
Marshal Hedin, San Diego State University
Triscia Hendrickson, Morehouse College
Albert A. Herrera, University of Southern California
Bradley Hersh, Allegheny College
Anna Hiatt, East Tennessee State University
Laura Hill, University of Vermont
Jay Hodgson, Armstrong State University
James Horwitz, Palm Beach State College
Sarah Hosch, Oakland University
Kelly Howe, University of New Mexico
Kimberly Hruska, Langara College
William Huddleston, University of Calgary
Carol Hurney, James Madison University
Brian A. Hyatt, Bethel University
Bradley C. Hyman, University of California, Riverside
Anne Jacobs, Allegheny College
Robert C. Jadin, Northeastern Illinois University
Rick Jellen, Brigham Young University
Dianne Jennings, Virginia Commonwealth University
L. Scott Johnson, Towson University
Russell Johnson, Colby College
Susan Jorstad, University of Arizona
Matthew Julius, St. Cloud State University
John S. K. Kauwe, Brigham Young University
Lori J. Kayes, Oregon State University
Todd Kelson, Brigham Young University, Idaho
Christopher Kennedy, Simon Fraser University
Jacob Kerby, University of South Dakota
Stephen T. Kilpatrick, University of Pittsburgh, Johnstown
Mary Kimble, Northeastern Illinois University
Denice D. King, Cleveland State Community College
David Kittlesen, University of Virginia
Ann Kleinschmidt, Allegheny College
Kathryn Kleppinger-
Daniel Klionsky, University of Michigan
Ned Knight, Reed College
Benedict Kolber, Duquesne University
Ross Koning, Eastern Connecticut State University
John Koontz, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Peter Kourtev, Central Michigan University
Elizabeth Kovar, The University of Chicago
Nadine Kriska, University of Wisconsin, Whitewater
Tim L. Kroft, Auburn University at Montgomery
William Kroll, Loyola University of Chicago
Dave Kubien, University of New Brunswick
Jason Kuehner, Emmanuel College
Josephine Kurdziel, University of Michigan
Troy A. Ladine, East Texas Baptist University
Diane M. Lahaise, Georgia Perimeter College
Janice Lai, Austin Community College, Cypress Creek
Kirk Land, University of the Pacific
James Langeland, Kalamazoo College
Neva Laurie-
Brenda Leady, University of Toledo
Adrienne Lee, University of California, Fullerton
Chris Levesque, John Abbott College
Cynthia Littlejohn, University of Southern Mississippi
Jason Locklin, Temple College
Xu Lu, University of Findlay
Patrice Ludwig, James Madison University
Ford Lux, Metropolitan State University of Denver
Morris F. Maduro, University of California, Riverside
C. Smoot Major, University of South Alabama
Barry Margulies, Towson University
Nilo Marin, Broward College
Michael Martin, John Carroll University
Heather D. Masonjones, University of Tampa
Scott C. Mateer, Armstrong State University
Robert Maxwell, Georgia State University
Joseph McCormick, Duquesne University
Lori L. McGrew, Belmont University
Peter B. McIntyre, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Iain McKinnell, Carleton University
Krystle McLaughlin, Lehigh University
Susan B. McRae, East Carolina University
Mark Meade, Jacksonville State University
Richard Merritt, Houston Community College Northwest
James E. Mickle, North Carolina State University
Chad Montgomery, Truman State University
Scott M. Moody, Ohio University
Daniel Moon, University of North Florida
Jamie Moon, University of North Florida
Jonathan Moore, Virginia Commonwealth University
Paul A. Moore, Bowling Green State University
Tsafrir Mor, Arizona State University
Jeanelle Morgan, University of North Georgia
Mark Mort, University of Kansas
Anthony Moss, Auburn University
Karen Neal, Reynolds Community College
Kimberlyn Nelson, Pennsylvania State University
Hao Nguyen, California State University, Sacramento
John Niedzwiecki, Belmont University
Alexey G. Nikitin, Grand Valley State University
Matthew Nusnbaum, Georgia State University
Robert Okazaki, Weber State University
Tiffany Oliver, Spelman College
Jennifer S. O’Neil, Houston Community College
Kavita Oommen, Georgia State University
Nathan Opolot Okia, Auburn University at Montgomery
Robin O’Quinn, Eastern Washington University
Sarah A. Orlofske, Northeastern Illinois University
Don Padgett, Bridgewater State University
Lisa Parks, North Carolina State University
Nilay Patel, California State University, Fullerton
Markus Pauly, University of California, Berkeley
Daniel M. Pavuk, Bowling Green State University
Marc Perkins, Orange Coast College
Beverly Perry, Houston Community College
John S. Peters, College of Charleston
Chris Petrie, Eastern Florida State College
John M. Pleasants, Iowa State University
Michael Plotkin, Mt. San Jacinto College
Mary Poffenroth, San Jose State University
Dan Porter, Amarillo College
Sonja Pyott, University of North Carolina at Wilmington
Mirwais Qaderi, Mount Saint Vincent University
Nick Reeves, Mt. San Jacinto College
Adam J. Reinhart, Wayland Baptist University
Stephanie Richards, Bates College
David A. Rintoul, Kansas State University
Trevor Rivers, University of Kansas
Laurel Roberts, University of Pittsburgh
Casey Roehrig, Harvard University
Jennifer Rose, University of North Georgia
Michael S. Rosenzweig, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Caleb M. Rounds, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Yelena Rudayeva, Palm Beach State College
James E. Russell, Georgia Gwinnett College
Donald Sakaguchi, Iowa State University
Thomas Sasek, University of Louisiana at Monroe
Leslie J. Saucedo, University of Puget Sound
Udo M. Savalli, Arizona State University West Campus
Smita Savant, Houston Community College Southwest
Leena Sawant, Houston Community College Southwest
H. Jochen Schenk, California State University, Fullerton
Aaron E. Schirmer, Northeastern Illinois University
Mark Schlueter, Georgia Gwinnett College
Gregory Schmaltz, University of the Fraser Valley
Jennifer Schramm, Chemeketa Community College
Roxann Schroeder, Humboldt State University
Tim Schuh, St. Cloud State University
Kevin G. E. Scott, University of Manitoba
Erik P. Scully, Towson University
Sarah B. Selke, Three Rivers Community College
Pramila Sen, Houston Community College
Anupama Seshan, Emmanuel College
Alice Sessions, Austin Community College
Vijay Setaluri, University of Wisconsin
Timothy E. Shannon, Francis Marion University
Wallace Sharif, Morehouse College
Mark Sherrard, University of Northern Iowa
Cara Shillington, Eastern Michigan University
Amy Siegesmund, Pacific Lutheran University
Christine Simmons, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville
S. D. Sipes, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
John Skillman, California State University, San Bernardino
Daryl Smith, Langara College
Julie Smith, Pacific Lutheran University
Karen Smith, University of British Columbia
Leo Smith, University of Kansas
Ramona Smith-
Joel Snodgrass, Towson University
Alan J. Snow, University of Akron–
Judith Solti, Houston Community College, Spring Branch
Ann Song, University of California, Fullerton
C. Kay Song, Georgia State University
Chrissy Spencer, Georgia Institute of Technology
Rachel Spicer, Connecticut College
Ashley Spring, Eastern Florida State College
Bruce Stallsmith, The University of Alabama in Huntsville
Maria L. Stanko, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Nancy Staub, Gonzaga University
Barbara Stegenga, University of North Carolina
Robert Steven, University of Toledo
Lori Stevens, University of Vermont
Mark Sturtevant, Oakland University
Elizabeth B. Sudduth, Georgia Gwinnett College
Mark Sugalski, Kennesaw State University, Southern Polytechnic State University
Fengjie Sun, Georgia Gwinnett College
Bradley J. Swanson, Central Michigan University
Brook O. Swanson, Gonzaga University
Ken Gunter Sweat, Arizona State University West Campus
Annette Tavares, University of Ontario Institute of Technology
William R. Taylor, University of Toledo
Samantha Terris Parks, Georgia State University
Jessica Theodor, University of Calgary
Sharon Thoma, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Sue Thomson, Auburn University at Montgomery
Mark Tiemeier, Cincinnati State Technical and Community College
Candace Timpte, Georgia Gwinnett College
Nicholas Tippery, University of Wisconsin, Whitewater
Chris Todd, University of Saskatchewan
Kurt A. Toenjes, Montana State University, Billings
Jeffrey L. Travis, The University at Albany, The State University of New York
Stephen J. Trumble, Baylor University
Jan Trybula, The State University of New York at Potsdam
Cathy Tugmon, Georgia Regents University
Alexa Tullis, University of Puget Sound
Marsha Turell, Houston Community College
Pat Uelmen Huey, Georgia Gwinnett College
Steven M. Uyeda, Pima Community College
Rani Vajravelu, University of Central Florida
Moira van Staaden, Bowling Green State University
Dirk Vanderklein, Montclair State University
William Velhagen, Caldwell University
Sara Via, University of Maryland
Christopher Vitek, University of Texas, Pan American
Neal J. Voelz, St. Cloud State University
Mindy Walker, Rockhurst University
Andrea Ward, Adelphi University
Jennifer Ward, University of North Carolina at Asheville
Pauline Ward, Houston Community College
Alan Wasmoen, Metropolitan Community College
Elizabeth R. Waters, San Diego State University
Matthew Weand, Southern Polytechnic State University
K. Derek Weber, Raritan Valley Community College
Andrea Weeks, George Mason University
Charles Welsh, Duquesne University
Naomi L. B. Wernick, University of Massachusetts, Lowell
Mary E. White, Southeastern Louisiana University
David Wilkes, Indiana University, South Bend
Frank Williams, Langara College
Kathy S. Williams, San Diego State University
Lisa D. Williams, Northern Virginia Community College
Christina Wills, Rockhurst University
Brian Wisenden, Minnesota State University, Moorhead
David Wolfe, American River College
Ramakrishna Wusirika, Michigan Technological University
G. Wyngaard, James Madison University
James R. Yount, Eastern Florida State College
Min Zhong, Auburn University
*Graduate student, Yale University Scientific Teaching Fellow