General explanations of natural phenomena supported by many experiments and observations are called theories.

As already noted, a hypothesis may initially be tentative. Commonly, in fact, it will provide only one of several possible ways of explaining existing data. With repeated observation and experimentation, however, a good hypothesis gathers strength, and we have more and more confidence in it. When a number of related hypotheses survive repeated testing and come to be accepted as good bases for explaining what we see in nature, scientists articulate a broader explanation that accounts for all the hypotheses and the results of their tests. We call this statement a theory, a general explanation of the world supported by a large body of experiments and observations (see Fig. 1.2).

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Note that scientists use the word “theory” in a very particular way. In general conversation, “theory” is often synonymous with “hypothesis,” “idea,” or “hunch”—“I’ve got a theory about that.” But in a scientific context, the word “theory” has a specific meaning. Scientists speak in terms of theories only if hypotheses have withstood testing to the point where they provide a general explanation for many observations and experimental results. Just as a good hypothesis makes testable predictions, a good theory both generates good hypotheses and predicts their outcomes. Thus, scientists talk about the theory of gravity—a set of hypotheses you test every day by walking down the street or dropping a fork. Similarly, the theory of evolution is not one explanation among many for the unity and diversity of life. It is a set of hypotheses that has been tested for more than a century and shown to provide an extraordinarily powerful explanation of biological observations that range from the amino acid sequences of proteins to the diversity of ants in a rain forest. In fact, as we discuss throughout this book, evolution is the single most important theory in all of biology. It provides the most general and powerful explanation of how works.

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