Chapter 21 Introduction



How Genotypes and Phenotypes Change over Time

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Page 426

Variation is a fact of nature. A walk down any street reveals how variable our species is: Skin color and hair color, for example, vary from person to person. Until the publication in 1859 of Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species, scientists tended to view all the variation we see in humans and other species as biologically unimportant. According to the traditional view, not only were species individually created in their modern forms by a divine Creator, but, because the Creator had a specific design in mind for each species, they were fixed and unchanging. Departures or variations from this divinely ordained type were therefore ignored.

Since Darwin, however, we have appreciated that a species does not conform to a type. Rather, a species consists of a range of variants. In our own species, people may be tall, short, dark-haired, fair-haired, and so on. Furthermore, variation is an essential ingredient of Darwin’s theory because the mechanism he proposed for evolution, natural selection, depends on the differential success—in terms of surviving and reproducing—of variants. Darwin changed how we view variation. Before Darwin, variation was irrelevant, something to be ignored; after Darwin, it was recognized as the key to the evolutionary process.

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