Animals achieve large size by circumventing limits imposed by diffusion.

Sponges can reach overall dimensions of a meter or more, but they actually consist of only a few types of cell that line a dense network of pores and canals and so remain in close contact with circulating seawater (Fig. 28.5a). The large size of a sponge is therefore achieved without placing metabolically active cells at any great distance from their environment. Similarly, in jellyfish, active metabolism is confined to thin tissues that line the inner and outer surfaces of the body. Essentially, a large flat surface is folded up to produce a three-dimensional structure (Fig. 28.5b). The jellyfish’s bell-shaped body is often thicker than the metabolically active tissue, but its massive interior is filled by materials that are not metabolically active. This material constitutes the mesoglea, the jellyfish’s “jelly.” The mesoglea provides structural support but does not require much oxygen.

FIG. 28.5 Circumventing limits imposed by diffusion. (a) Sponges can attain a large size because the many pores and canals in their bodies ensure that all cells are in close proximity to the environment. (b) Jellyfish also have thin layers of metabolically active tissue, but their familiar bell can be relatively thick because it is packed with metabolically inert molecules (the mesoglea, or “jelly”).

But what about us? How does the human body circumvent the constraints of diffusion? Our lungs gather the oxygen we need for respiration, but the lung is a prime example of diffusion in action, not a means of avoiding it. Because lung tissues have a very high ratio of surface area to volume, oxygen can diffuse efficiently from the air you breathe into lung tissue (Chapter 39). A great deal of oxygen can be taken in this way, but how does it get from the lungs to our brains or toes? The distances are far too large for diffusion to be effective. The answer is that oxygen binds to molecules of hemoglobin in red blood cells and then is carried through the bloodstream to distant sites of respiration. We circumvent diffusion by actively pumping oxygen-rich blood through our bodies.

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