Carbon atoms form four covalent bonds.

One of the special properties of carbon is that, in forming molecular orbitals, a carbon atom behaves as if it had four unpaired electrons. This behavior occurs because one of the electrons in the outermost spherical orbital moves into the empty dumbbell-shaped orbital (see Fig. 2.2). In this process, the single large spherical orbital and three dumbbell-shaped orbitals change shape, becoming four equivalent hybrid orbitals, each with one electron.

Fig. 2.13 shows the molecular orbitals that result when one atom of carbon combines with four atoms of hydrogen to form the gas methane (CH4). Each of the four valence electrons of carbon shares a new molecular orbital with the electron of one of the hydrogen atoms. These bonds can rotate freely about their axis. Furthermore, because of the shape of the orbitals, the carbon atom lies at the center of a three-dimensional structure called a tetrahedron, and the four molecular orbitals point toward the four corners of this structure. The ability of carbon to form four covalent bonds, the spatial orientation of these bonds in the form of a tetrahedron, and the ability of each bond to rotate freely all contribute importantly to the structural diversity of carbon-based molecules.

FIG. 2.13 A carbon atom with four covalent bonds. One carbon atom combines with four hydrogen atoms to form methane.
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