Carrying capacity is the maximum number of individuals a habitat can support.

As a population grows, crowding commonly results in a decrease in the availability or quality of resources required for continuing growth. As a consequence, growth rate declines. On Hispaniola, for example, Lime Swallowtails have probably reached the limit of available citrus groves. Individual females have to search longer to find suitable plants on which no other females have already laid eggs. With that delay, and the pressure of eggs that are continuing to mature inside their bodies, females may end up laying too many eggs in one place or on poor-quality food, so there is not enough food for all larvae to survive. All of these factors lead to fewer births per female in the Lime Swallowtail population than occurred immediately after they first arrived in Hispaniola, when resources were not limiting.

For many organisms, crowding affects the death rate as well as the birth rate. For example, as the fish population of a pond increases, there is less food available for each individual, and oxygen may be used up by microbes that proliferate because of nutrients in the fish waste.

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In other words, birth and death rates are themselves affected by population density, which we defined earlier as the number of individuals per unit of area or (for aquatic species) volume of habitat. Increasing density is not always detrimental to a population. For example, eggs of a salmon or sturgeon are more likely to be fertilized in rivers or streams swarming with their species than when there are few reproducing adults. Generally, however, at some point increasing population density causes the environment to deteriorate because of a scarcity of resources. When the density of a growing population reaches this point, the rate of growth slows and eventually levels off as the death rate increases to equal the birth rate.

We call the maximum number of individuals a habitat can support its carrying capacity (K). K represents the interplay between the requirements of individuals for growth and reproduction and the environmental resources such as food and space available to support these needs.

Many factors can keep a population below K. Predation and parasitism are two of them. For example, increasing numbers of Lime Swallowtails on Hispaniola have no doubt attracted predators and parasites that feed on them. Similarly, a high population density of fish in a pond increases the likelihood of infection by viruses, bacteria, and fungi because these agents are transmitted from fish to fish. Predation and parasitism can reduce the population size below K, but they do not change K itself.

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