Exercise requires several types of fuel molecules and the coordination of metabolic pathways.

In the last two chapters, we considered what energy is and how it is harnessed by cells. Let’s apply the concepts we discussed to a familiar example: exercise. Exercise such as running, walking, and swimming is a form of kinetic energy, powered by ATP in muscle cells. Where does this ATP come from?

Muscle cells, like all cells, do not contain a lot of ATP, and stored ATP is depleted by exercise in a matter of seconds. As a result, muscle cells rely on fuel molecules to generate ATP. For a short sprint or a burst of activity, muscle can convert stored glycogen to glucose, and then break down glucose anaerobically to pyruvate and lactic acid by lactic acid fermentation. This pathway is rapid, but it does not generate a lot of ATP. In addition, it is limited by the production of lactic acid, which lowers the pH of the blood.

For longer, more sustained exercise, other metabolic pathways come into play. Muscle cells contain many mitochondria, which produce ATP by aerobic respiration. The energy yield of aerobic respiration is much greater than that of fermentation, but the process is slower. This slower production of ATP by aerobic respiration in part explains why runners cannot maintain the pace of a sprint for longer runs.

For even longer exercise, liver glycogen supplements muscle glycogen: The liver releases glucose into the blood that is taken up by muscle cells and oxidized to produce ATP. In addition, fatty acids are released from adipose tissue and taken up by muscle cells, where they are broken down by β-oxidation. β -oxidation yields even more ATP than does the complete oxidation of glucose, but the process is again slower. Storage forms of energy molecules, such as fatty acids and glycogen, contain large reservoirs of energy, but are slow to mobilize. Thus, exercise takes coordination between different cells, tissues, and metabolic pathways to ensure adequate ATP to meet the needs of working muscle.

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