On the Role of Purpose and Audience in Writing
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On the Role of Purpose and Audience in Writing
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Checking Your Understanding
After watching On the Role of Purpose and Audience in Writing, consider the questions below. Then submit your response.
Who did Karen Keaton Jackson’s students pretend to share their college experience with?
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What did Jackson’s students change depending on the audience?
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With whom does Jackson use this exercise?
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Which of the following was not among the items her students would discuss with their best friends?
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Which of the following was not among the items her students would discuss with her?
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On the Role of Purpose and Audience in Writing
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Making Connections
After watching On the Role of Purpose and Audience in Writing, consider the questions below. Then submit your response.
Karen Keaton Jackson offers advice for considering purpose and audience when you’re writing. To understand your rhetorical context, you will also want to consider the author (in this case, Jackson’s students) and topic. How do these two factors contribute to what students might tell their professor? How do they contribute to what students might tell their best friends?
On the surface, the example in the video asks students to consider two completely different audiences. How might the audience also change the purpose of the information shared? (For example, you might want to share information to impress your friend but conceal something from an instructor.)
What is another situation where you may present the same information very differently depending on your purpose or your audience?
On Genres
Watch the video below to get the inside perspective on academic writing.
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On Genres
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Checking Your Understanding
After watching On Genres, consider the questions below. Then submit your response.
Which of the following is not among the common writing genres that Moriah McCracken composes as a Writing Studies instructor?
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According to McCracken, what can affect the nature of the handout genre?
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How does McCracken write differently when the parents of her students are her audience?
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Many of McCracken’s writing genres also include an aspect of
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Which writing genre does Moriah McCracken use for the faculty at her school?
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On Genres
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Making Connections
After watching On Genres, consider the questions below. Then submit your response.
Choose one of the genres that Moriah McCracken mentions in the video. What are some of the conventions of this genre?
If McCracken taught history instead of writing, which of her genres might change? Which would likely stay the same? What if she taught criminal justice?
What are some of the writing genres that you employ? These can be academic, personal, or professional.
On the Writing Process
Watch the video below to get the inside perspective on academic writing.
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On the Writing Process
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Checking Your Understanding
After watching On the Writing Process, consider the questions below. Then submit your response.
How do Jody Baumgartner and Jonathan Morris suggest breaking down a large paper?
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Besides just writing the paper, what two activities does Morris include in his writing process?
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How long has Baumgartner been collecting data for the paper he’s working on?
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According to Morris, which of the following is not necessary to complete each day for your writing project?
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What discipline do Baumgartner and Morris teach?
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On the Writing Process
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Making Connections
After watching On the Writing Process, consider the questions below. Then submit your response.
Consider your own habits and the elements of the writing process described in Chapter 2. Which tasks do you usually complete at the beginning of a project? Which do you save for the end? Are there any tasks that you work on throughout the entire writing process?
Consider one element of the writing process, such as drafting. How might you break this element down into smaller tasks?
How might the tasks, and the writing process, change depending on the discipline you are writing in?
On Genres
Watch the video below to get the inside perspective on academic writing.
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On Genres
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Checking Your Understanding
After watching On Genres, consider the questions below. Then submit your response.
Which of the following is not one of the formally recognized genres that Patrick Bahls mentions in the video?
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According to Bahls, which of the following genres is much richer than formally recognized writing?
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How many “pages of just scribbles” does Bahls end up with for every five or six pages of polished writing?
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What does Bahls suggest for finding solutions?
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In what discipline does Bahls teach and work?
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On Genres
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Making Connections
After watching On Genres, consider the questions below. Then “submit” your response.
Consider the discipline you intend to pursue in college. What are some of the formally recognized genres of writing within that discipline?
In the video, Patrick Bahls mentions that he often scribbles notes on napkins or in very informal settings, but every writer has a different process. Consider where and when you make your own pages of “scribbles.” When is writing easiest for you? How do you record your thoughts and keep them organized?
Bahls mentions several writing genres that he participates in as a mathematician, including research articles and expository articles. Why might writing be an important component in presenting information about mathematics?