What Is Intelligence?
Intelligence is a mental quality consisting of the potential to learn from experience, solve problems, and use knowledge to adapt to new situations. Charles Spearman proposed that we have one general intelligence (g) underlying all other specific mental abilities. He helped develop factor analysis, a statistical procedure that identifies clusters of related abilities. L. L. Thurstone disagreed and identified seven different clusters of mental abilities. Yet a tendency remained for high scorers in one cluster to score high in other clusters. Studies indicate that g scores are most predictive in novel situations and do not much correlate with skills in evolutionarily familiar situations.
Savant syndrome seems to support Howard Gardner’s view that we have multiple intelligences. He proposed eight independent intelligences: linguistic, logical-
Critics note research that has confirmed a general intelligence factor. But highly successful people also tend to be conscientious, well-
Emotional intelligence, which is an aspect of social intelligence, is the ability to perceive, understand, manage, and use emotions. Emotionally intelligent people achieve greater personal and professional success. Some critics question whether calling these abilities “intelligence” stretches that concept too far.
Assessing Intelligence
An intelligence test is a method for assessing an individual’s mental aptitudes and comparing them with others, using numerical scores. Aptitude tests measure the ability to learn, while achievement tests measure what we have already learned.
In the late 1800s, Francis Galton, who believed that genius was inherited, attempted but failed to construct a simple intelligence test. Alfred Binet, who tended toward an environmental explanation of intelligence differences, started the modern intelligence-
The most widely used intelligence tests today are the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) and Wechsler’s tests for children. These tests differ from their predecessors in the way they offer an overall intelligence score as well as scores for various verbal and performance areas.
The distribution of test scores often forms a normal (bell-
Standardization establishes a basis for meaningful score comparisons by giving a test to a representative sample of future test-
The Dynamics of Intelligence
The stability of intelligence test scores increases with age. At age 4, scores fluctuate somewhat but begin to predict adolescent and adult scores. By early adolescence, scores are very stable and predictive.
At the low extreme are those with unusually low scores. An intelligence test score of or below 70 is one diagnostic criterion for the diagnosis of intellectual disability; other criteria are limited conceptual, social, and practical skills. One condition included in this category is Down syndrome, a developmental disorder caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21.
People at the high-
Genetic and Environmental Influences on Intelligence
Studies of twins, family members, and adoptees indicate a significant hereditary contribution to intelligence scores. Intelligence seems to be polygenetic, and researchers are searching for genes that exert an influence. Heritability is the proportion of variation among individuals that can be attributed to genes.
Studies of twins, family members, and adoptees also provide evidence of environmental influences. Test scores of identical twins raised apart are slightly less similar (though still very highly correlated) than the scores of identical twins raised together. Studies of children raised in extremely impoverished environments with minimal social interaction indicate that life experiences can significantly influence intelligence test performance. No evidence supports the idea that normal, healthy children can be molded into geniuses by growing up in an exceptionally enriched environment.
Males and females tend to have the same average intelligence test scores, but they differ in some specific abilities. Girls are better spellers, more verbally fluent, better at locating objects, better at detecting emotions, and more sensitive to touch, taste, and color. Boys outperform girls at spatial ability and related mathematics, though in math computation and overall math performance, boys and girls hardly differ. Boys also outnumber girls at the low and high extremes of mental abilities. Evolutionary and cultural explanations have been proposed for these gender differences.
Racial and ethnic groups differ in their average intelligence test scores. The evidence suggests that environmental differences are responsible for these group differences.
Aptitude tests aim to predict how well a test-