Front Matter: Psychology In Modules

Front Matter Introduction

F.1 About the Authors

F.2 Preface

F.3 Content Changes

F.4 Time Management: Or, How to Be a Great Student and Still Have a Life

Front Matter Review

Part 1: The Story of Psychology

Part 1 Introduction

Module 1: What Is Psychology?

Module 1 Introduction

1.1 Psychological Science Is Born

1.2 Psychological Science Develops

1.3 Contemporary Psychology

Module 1 Review

Part 1: Test Yourself

Part 1: Test Yourself

Part 2: Thinking Critically With Psychological Science

Part 2 Introduction

Module 2: The Need for Psychological Science

Module 2 Introduction

2.1 Did We Know It All Along? Hindsight Bias

2.2 Overconfidence

2.3 Perceiving Order In Random Events

2.4 The Scientific Attitude: Curious, Skeptical, and Humble

2.5 Critical Thinking

Module 2 Review

Module 3: Research Strategies: How Psychologists Ask and Answer

Module 3 Introduction

3.1 The Scientific Method

3.2 Description

3.3 Correlation

3.4 Experimentation

3.5 Psychology's Research Ethics

Module 3 Review

Module 4: Statistical Reasoning in Everyday Life

Module 4 Introduction

4.1 Describing Data

4.2 Significant Differences

Module 4 Review

Part 2: Test Yourself

Part 2: Test Yourself

Part 3: The Biology of Mind

Part 3 Introduction

Module 5: The Need for Psychological Science

Module 5 Introduction

5.1 Biology, Behavior, and Mind

5.2 Neural Communication

5.3 The Nervous System

5.4 The Endocrine System

Module 5 Review

Module 6: Research Strategies: How Psychologists Ask and Answer

Module 6 Introduction

6.1 The Tools of Discovery: Having Our Head Examined

6.2 Older Brain Structures

Module 6 Review

Module 7: Statistical Reasoning in Everyday Life

Module 7 Introduction

7.1 The Cerebral Cortex

7.2 Our Divided Brain

Module 7 Review

Part 3: Test Yourself

Part 3: Test Yourself

Part 4: Consciousness and the Two-track Mind

Part 4 Introduction

Module 8: Brain States and Consciousness

Module 8 Introduction

8.1 Defining Consciousness

8.2 The Biology of Consciousness

8.3 Selective Attention

Module 8 Review

Module 9: Sleep and Dreams

Module 9 Introduction

9.1 Biological Rhythms and Sleep

9.2 Why Do We Sleep?

9.3 Sleep Deprivation and Sleep Disorders

9.4 Dreams

Module 9 Review

Module 10: Drugs and Consciousness

Module 10 Introduction

10.1 Tolerance and Addiction

10.2 Types of Psychoactive Drugs

10.3 Influences on Drug Use

Module 10 Review

Part 4: Test Yourself

Part 4: Test Yourself

Part 5: Nature, Nurture, and Human Diversity

Part 5 Introduction

Module 11: Behavior Genetics: Predicting Individual Differences

Module 11 Introduction

11.1 Genes: Our Codes for Life

11.2 Twin and Adoption Studies

11.3 Temperament and Heredity

11.4 Heritability

11.5 Gene-Environment Interaction

Module 11 Review

Module 12: Evolutionary Psychology: Understanding Human Nature

Module 12 Introduction

12.1 Natural Selection and Adaptation

12.2 Evolutionary Success Helps Explain Similarities

12.3 An Evolutionary Explanation of Human Sexuality

Module 12 Review

Module 13: Culture, Gender, and Other Environmental Influences

Module 13 Introduction

13.1 How Does Experience Influence Development?

13.2 Cultural Influences

13.3 Gender Development

13.4 Reflections on Nature, Nurture, and Their Interaction

Module 13 Review

Part 5: Test Yourself

Part 5: Test Yourself

Part 6: Developing Through the Life Span

Part 6 Introduction

Module 14: Developmental Issues, Prenatal Development, and the Newborn

Module 14 Introduction

14.1 Developmental Psychology's Major Issues

14.2 Prenatal Development and the Newborn

Module 14 Review

Module 15: Infancy and Childhood

Module 15 Introduction

15.1 Physical Development

15.2 Cognitive Development

15.3 Social Development

Module 15 Review

Module 16: Adolescence

Module 16 Introduction

16.1 Physical Development

16.2 Cognitive Development

16.3 Social Development

16.4 Emerging Adulthood

Module 16 Review

Module 17: Adulthood

Module 17 Introduction

17.1 Physical Development

17.2 Cognitive Development

17.3 Social Development

Module 17 Review

Part 6: Test Yourself

Part 6: Test Yourself

Part 7: Sensation and Perception

Part 7 Introduction

Module 18: Basic Concepts of Sensation and Perception

Module 18 Introduction

18.1 Transduction

18.2 Thresholds

18.3 Sensory Adaptation

18.4 Perceptual Set

18.5 Context Effects

18.6 Motivation and Emotion

Module 18 Review

Module 19: Vision: Sensory and Perceptual Processing

Module 19 Introduction

19.1 Light Energy and Eye Structures

19.2 Information Processing in the Eye and Brain

19.3 Perceptual Organization

19.4 Perceptual Interpretation

Module 19 Review

Module 20: The Nonvisual Senses

Module 20 Introduction

20.1 Hearing

20.2 The Other Senses

20.3 Sensory Interaction

Module 20 Review

Part 7: Test Yourself

Part 7: Test Yourself

Part 8: Learning

Part 8 Introduction

Module 21: Basic Learning Concepts and Classical Conditioning

Module 21 Introduction

21.1 How Do We Learn?

21.2 Classical Conditioning

Module 21 Review

Module 22: Operant Conditioning

Module 22 Introduction

22.1 Skinner's Experiments

22.2 Skinner's Legacy

22.3 Contrasting Classical and Operant Conditioning

Module 22 Review

Module 23: Biology, Cognition, and Learning

Module 23 Introduction

23.1 Biological Constraints on Conditioning

23.2 Cognition's Influence on Conditioning

23.3 Learning by Observation

Module 23 Review

Part 8: Test Yourself

Part 8: Test Yourself

Part 9: Memory

Part 9 Introduction

Module 24: Studying and Encoding Memories

Module 24 Introduction

24.1 Studying Memory

24.2 Encoding Memories

Module 24 Review

Module 25: Storing and Retrieving Memories

Module 25 Introduction

25.1 Memory Storage

25.2 Memory Retrieval

Module 25 Review

Module 26: Forgetting, Memory Construction, and Improving Memory

Module 26 Introduction

26.1 Forgetting

26.2 Memory Construction Errors

26.3 Improving Memory

Module 26 Review

Part 9: Test Yourself

Part 9: Test Yourself

Part 10: Thinking and Language

Part 10 Introduction

Module 27: Thinking

Module 27 Introduction

27.1 Concepts

27.2 Problem Solving: Strategies and Obstacles

27.3 Forming Good and Bad Decisions and Judgments

27.4 Thinking Creatively

27.5 Do Other Species Share Our Cognitive Skills?

Module 27 Review

Module 28: Language and Thought

Module 28 Introduction

28.1 Language Structure

28.2 Language Development

28.3 The Brain and Language

28.4 Do Other Species Have Language?

28.5 Thinking and Language

Module 28 Review

Part 10: Test Yourself

Part 10: Test Yourself

Part 11: Intelligence

Part 11 Introduction

Module 29: What is Intelligence?

Module 29 Introduction

29.1 Spearman’s General Intelligence Factor and Thurstone’s Response

29.2 Theories of Multiple Intelligences

29.3 Emotional Intelligence

Module 29 Review

Module 30: Assessing Intelligence

Module 30 Introduction

30.1 Early and Modern Tests of Mental Abilities

30.2 Principles of Test Construction

Module 30 Review

Module 31: The Dynamics of Intelligence

Module 31 Introduction

31.1 Stability or Change?

31.2 Extremes of Intelligence

Module 31 Review

Module 32: Genetic and Environmental Influences on Intelligence

Module 32 Introduction

32.1 Twin and Adoption Studies

32.2 Environmental Influences

32.3 Group Differences in Intelligence Test Scores

32.4 The Question of Bias

Module 32 Review

Part 11: Test Yourself

Part 11: Test Yourself

Part 12: What Drives Us: Hunger, Sex, Friendship, and Achievement

Part 12 Introduction

Module 33: Basic Motivational Concepts

Module 33 Introduction

33.1 Instincts and Evolutionary Psychology

33.2 Drives and Incentives

33.3 Optimum Arousal

33.4 A Hierarchy of Motives

Module 33 Review

Module 34: Hunger

Module 34 Introduction

34.1 The Physiology of Hunger

34.2 The Psychology of Hunger

34.3 Obesity and Weight Control

Module 34 Review

Module 35: Sexual Motivation

Module 35 Introduction

35.1 The Physiology of Sex

35.2 The Psychology of Sex

35.3 Sexual Orientation

35.4 Sex and Human Values

Module 35 Review

Module 36: Affiliation and Achievement

Module 36 Introduction

36.1 The Need to Belong

36.2 Achievement Motivation

Module 36 Review

Part 12: Test Yourself

Part 12: Test Yourself

Part 13: Emotions, Stress, and Health

Part 13 Introduction

Module 37: Introduction to Emotion

Module 37 Introduction

37.1 Emotion: Arousal, Behavior, and Cognition

37.2 Embodied Emotion

Module 37 Review

Module 38: Expressing Emotion

Module 38 Introduction

38.1 Detecting Emotion in Others

38.2 Gender, Emotion, and Nonverbal Behavior

38.3 Culture and Emotional Expression

38.4 The Effects of Facial Expressions

Module 38 Review

Module 39: Experiencing Emotion

Module 39 Introduction

39.1 Anger

39.2 Happiness

Module 39 Review

Module 40: Stress and Illness

Module 40 Introduction

40.1 Stress: Some Basic Concepts

40.2 Stress and Vulnerability to Disease

Module 40 Review

Module 41: Health and Coping

Module 41 Introduction

41.1 Coping With Stress

41.2 Reducing Stress

Module 41 Review

Part 13: Test Yourself

Part 13: Test Yourself

Part 14: Social Psychology

Part 14 Introduction

Module 42: Social Thinking

Module 42 Introduction

42.1 The Fundamental Attribution Error

42.2 Attitudes and Actions

Module 42 Review

Module 43: Social Influence

Module 43 Introduction

43.1 Complying With Social Pressures

43.2 Obedience: Following Orders

43.3 Group Behavior

Module 43 Review

Module 44: Antisocial Relations

Module 44 Introduction

44.1 Prejudice

44.2 Aggression

Module 44 Review

Module 45: Prosocial Relations

Module 45 Introduction

45.1 Attraction

45.2 Altruism

45.3 Peacemaking

Module 45 Review

Part 14: Test Yourself

Part 14: Test Yourself

Part 15: Personality

Part 15 Introduction

Module 46: Introduction to Personality and Psychodynamic Theories

Module 46 Introduction

46.1 What Is Personality?

46.2 Psychodynamic Theories

Module 46 Review

Module 47: Humanistic Theories and Trait Theories

Module 47 Introduction

47.1 Humanistic Theories

47.2 Trait Theories

Module 47 Review

Module 48: Social-Cognitive Theories and the Self

Module 48 Introduction

48.1 Social-Cognitive Theories

48.2 Exploring the Self

Module 48 Review

Part 15: Test Yourself

Part 15: Test Yourself

Part 16: Psychological Disorders

Part 16 Introduction

Module 49: Introduction to Psychological Disorders

Module 49 Introduction

49.1 Defining Psychological Disorders

49.2 Understanding Psychological Disorders

49.3 Classifying Disorders-and Labeling People

49.4 Rates of Psychological Disorders

Module 49 Review

Module 50: Anxiety Disorders, OCD, and PTSD

Module 50 Introduction

50.1 Anxiety Disorders

50.2 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

50.3 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

50.4 Understanding Anxiety Disorders, OCD, and PTSD

Module 50 Review

Module 51: Depressive Disorders and Bipolar Disorder

Module 51 Introduction

51.1 Major Depressive Disorder

51.2 Bipolar Disorder

51.3 Understanding Depressive Disorders and Bipolar Disorder

Module 51 Review

Module 52: Schizophrenia

Module 52 Introduction

52.1 Symptoms of Schizophrenia

52.2 Onset and Development of Schizophrenia

52.3 Understanding Schizophrenia

Module 52 Review

Module 53: Dissociative, Personality, and Eating Disorders

Module 53 Introduction

53.1 Dissociative Disorders

53.2 Personality Disorders

53.3 Eating Disorders

Module 53 Review

Part 16: Test Yourself

Part 16: Test Yourself

Part 17: Therapy

Part 17 Introduction

Module 54: Introduction to Therapy and the Psychological Therapies

Module 54 Introduction

54.1 Treating Psychological Disorders

54.2 Psychoanalysis and Psychodynamic Therapies

54.3 Humanistic Therapies

54.4 Behavior Therapies

54.5 Cognitive Therapies

54.6 Group and Family Therapies

Module 54 Review

Module 55: Evaluating Psychotherapies

Module 55 Introduction

55.1 Is Psychotherapy Effective?

55.2 Which Psychotherapies Work Best?

55.3 Evaluating Alternative Therapies

55.4 How Do Psychotherapies Help People?

55.5 Culture and Values in Psychotherapy

Module 55 Review

Module 56: Biomedical Therapies and Preventing Psychological Disorders

Module 56 Introduction

56.1 Drug Therapies

56.2 Brain Stimulation

56.3 Psychosurgery

56.4 Therapeutic Lifestyle Change

56.5 Preventing Psychological Disorders and Building Resilience

Module 56 Review

Part 17: Test Yourself

Part 17: Test Yourself

Appendix A: Psychology at Work

Appendix A Introduction

A.1 Personnel Psychology

A.2 Organizational Psychology

A.3 The Human Factor

Appendix A Review

Appendix B

Subfields of Psychology, by Jennifer Zwolinski

Appendix C: Complete Module Reviews

Appendix C: Complete Module Reviews



